Your Favorite piece-give it up?

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      Just kind of a food for thought…..
      Imagine your FAVORITE piece in your whole collection-now think of a piece you’d LOVE to have (I’m excluding SK’s here) of all time-even if that is a OOAK piece….would you trade your favorite piece in your collection for one you absolutely love but dont have, knowing you’d never get that piece or one like it back?

      I guess what Im asking is-IS there anything that someone could offer you to make you give up your most favorite piece in your collection?


        *think, think…. think, think* gotta think on that. I was raised to enjoy your nice things – display them, share collections, use the antique silver, crystal and china. When me boyohs were small, small I get these horrendous looks from people when they heard that we allowed the boys to handle our ‘treasures’. How else were they to learn what and original piece looks like, how it feels, what does it smell like, etc. It was only under supervision of course but they started their own collections when they were almost three… they have a great collection of antique salt basins and silver salt spoons. In the end, our collections and things are just stuff *ducks to avoid projectiles” My grandpa was famous for saying “only bring into the house things that provide enjoyment, things that you love and things that you will use.” For trade or for sale I’d like to at least get my purchase price back, especially for the special e-bay pieces. Me boyohs may howl when they read that… but if things need to be sold for any reason, I could prolly let them go. They are worth more than the purchase price. They brought joy, light, laughter, friendship and immagination into our home. If somebody else needs that I can share my “wealth” so to speak. My folks have told us children that we are not to expect an inheritance from them when they pass. If part or all of mum and dad’s collection needs to be sold to support them in their later years, that’s all to the good. We keep telling them it’s not the stuff we want; we want as much time with them here on the planet. Stuff is just stuff. Family is forever 😉 I don’t know if this helps???

        twindragonsmum 😀



          Nope. 🙂 My favorite piece is Zan, my very first Windstone. He’s my old green hatcher with the tongue, and I’d never give him up, not even for a koi kirin or test paint griffin or test paint hatcher. ^^

          Wampus Dragon

            I have several absolute favorites. Ones that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I would sell everything else in my collection before these. Cold dead fingers, etc.

            -Tiger Emp
            -Wampus Cat Emp
            -Nebula Unicorn and matching baby
            -All ruby dragons
            -Okapi Unicorns(full set)
            -Black Emerald Kinglet and Empress
            -Zebra Unicorn
            -purpleturtle’s ‘skully’ PYOs
            -Tiger OW #2
            -Ticked Pink OW
            -‘Midnight’ Flapcat
            -Silver Oriental Sun
            -Old Green Emp
            -Old Brown Emp

            Danzig Moon (Karen)

              NOPE!!! Just got him not too long ago. RAINBOW FLEDGLING not any time soon!!!

              *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?


                Hmm…there are pieces I do not own that I consider of equal awesome, but nothing I want MORE than the favored pieces that I already have…so I guess it would depend on the thing I was giving my favorite piece up for. o.o Besides, I take plenty of pictures, so it’s not like I could never look at them again. =) Sure I wouldn’t own them, but I’d own something else equally cool.


                  My smal flap cats . They are just ones I can’t part with . Getting 2 more of them too . I love the small ones.

                  Which one that I love that I would give up at a price would be … Tempest Stray Cat Edition Flap Cat . She’s beautiful , a rag doll siamese . 400.00 for her . Ugh . Hurts but I could sell her .


                    I can’t think of a thing that would make me give up my Sun Dragons. 🙂

                    ….. Except, maybe, the Sea Green Old Warrior and Fledgling. Good lord. They are my all-time favorite color. Can’t seem to find them anywhere in the ebay posts though. I wonder if I am remembering the name wrong?


                    Since you’re excluding SKs, then nope. There’s pieces out there I don’t have that I’d really like, but not enough to give up my favorites for.

                    Of course, doesn’t mean Melody might not paint something next week that could make me change my mind on that! 😉


                      No, my favorite piece I wouldn’t trade for anything or even a lot of $$$. Irony is that I’m a hoofer fan, but my favorite piece hands down is a flapcat. So unless Melody comes up with something to trump it, I am very happy with what I have.


                        My favorite piece is my black pig, and the only thing I might even consider trading it for would be the “pink”/beige pig, but even then I’m not sure. :~ I’d have to see lots of photos of it besides the Ebay ones to make that determination.


                          I must be weird… favorite shifts according to what mood I’m in.

                          Some days my favorite is the cats cradle piece, because I love running my thumb over the texture detail, other days I like the coiled male due to his very serpentine posture…..and some days I love the demure grace of the mother kirin. Many days it’s the leaf cat sconce, or the mermaid sconce….it changes frequently.

                          I’ve had to sell pieces at times due to finances, so I suppose any time I sell a piece I’m selling at least one day’s ‘favorite’.

                          I’ve also traded out at times, simply to have the enjoyment of a new piece.

                          The pleasure of something new, and seeing art up close that I havent had the opportunity to do so before is always a lure when it comes to trading.


                          I would have to say no. My favorite pieces are my emerald mouse wizard and my emerald male dragon, and they were gifts from my father when I was a little girl. Even if I someday decided to get rid of the rest of my collection, they would stay. 🙂


                            I’d trade anything in my collection for the Ocean Blue Old Warrior from Olimpia, but that will never happen… anything except my Peacock Secret Keeper… I think that’s the only thing I’d never trade. Oh and of course, there is NOTHING I’d trade from the Flame Point Tabby Male Male Dragon in my siggy from Jennifer. That’s my favorite of all time!

                            Got a busted Windstone?
                            *OPEN for repairs*

                            *SEEKING GRAILS*
                            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                            Siphlophis Male Dragon
                            Calypso Hatching Empress
                            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                            Tattoo Mother Kirin
                            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                              That’s a hard one I love em all

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