Your Faverite Chips

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  • #503286

      Ok my faverites are

      Lays Staks

      Dorito Natcho Cheese



        LOL this is an interesting topic.
        I recently found some Carolina Style BBQ chips-think they are Lays brand. Being in Texas, even as much as we love our BBQ, Ive never had Carolina Style. I must say, its quite delicious!

        Next would be whole wheat cheddar Pringles and Kettle cooked sea salt and cracked black pepper chips-every brand Ive tried is awesome.

        I really loved the…oh shoot, what brand were they? Tostitos? The corn chips. But these were travel size, and bite size, so they were about the size of a quarter, came in a tall plastic container (the lid doubled as a cup to eat them out of) and were “Hint of Lime” flavored. Best.chips.ever. In 2003 I’d sit at the back of Mr. Rice’s psychology class and munch on those all period long, every day. (and a can was only $1 !) We weren’t supposed to have food in class, but he never said anything. Of course-they don’t make them anymore. There are the full sized ones, but they are not as thin and crispy as the mini version. Good, but just not the same.

        Fritochick (Mary)

          I’ve been retired from Frito-Lay the past 5 years, but when I worked there my favorite was the hint of lime tostitos also. After 30 years of looking at them—I’m kinda off feed!!!!!


            I used to love Zapp’s Crawtators and Baked Lays. Now I’m allergic to potatoes, so I’m pretty much off of chips. 😛

            And while I don’t particularly care for corn-based chips, I will eat Sun Chips every now and then.


              I love things that are super salty, like Munchos and Salt and Vinegar Pringles.

              I also love Harvest Cheddar Sunchips, or Cool Ranch Dorito’s, or Bite Size Tostito’s with a BIIIG jar of salsa! YUM! I agree about the Tostito’s, I love the bite size ones, but I tried dippin’ strip ones but they’re thicker and harder. The bite size are the perfect amount of crunch for me! :bigsmile:
              Now I’m hungry……….


                Food is always fun to talk about . Yes it makes you hungry too .


                  Mmmm spicy Thai Kettle chips! YUMMMMY!


                    lays sweet Tia chilly or any flavor curry chips… saddle i can’t find them in the US

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