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      vantid wrote:

      Melody called it that. :3

      And there you have it! Miss Melody’s Cowpie Dragons. *pokes her to get her to list some* πŸ˜€


        lamortefille wrote:

        vantid wrote:

        Melody called it that. :3

        And there you have it! Miss Melody’s Cowpie Dragons. *pokes her to get her to list some* πŸ˜€
        Did not! The casters at Windstone named them that. All the cowsplat shaped ones are cowpies.Coiled dragon , Mother coiled dragon Innerlight dragon and now the curl dragon. I’ve never heard the “Cat’s Cradle” sculpture reffered to that way, though.


          skigod377 wrote:

          Any items going up for the weekend?

          No, I think so…Karen left for the day, and I don’t think anything else got put up today. Monday we’ll get up the Em. Pea Curls, Gold Emperors, and mebbe some other stuff.


          Melody wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          Any items going up for the weekend?

          No, I think so…Karen left for the day, and I don’t think anything else got put up today. Monday we’ll get up the Em. Pea Curls, Gold Emperors, and mebbe some other stuff.

          *Doing Snoopy dance around the room*


          Yes, I wont miss them then. I have been sitting by the computer refreshing.


          Monday? Does everything have to go up while I’m at work? πŸ˜† At least Dragonessjade will get me a cowpie. Yea! Thank you for that. I would love to see what else goes up though.


            Dang! I have to meet with a student on Monday. Someone grab me a empea cowpie before they go too fast! Would ya? I don’t have any of the cowpies yet, but it seems like a good place to start.


              Wolfen, will you be around on Monday? I’ve got to work 1730-2100 hours my time or so – if they go up any other time I can get one myself… That’s to midday CA time. I hope Karen waits until the afternoon to put them up.


              So monday it is, hmm, well I didnt need to sleep that day anyhow, yay.


              emerald212 wrote:

              Dang! I have to meet with a student on Monday. Someone grab me a empea cowpie before they go too fast! Would ya? I don’t have any of the cowpies yet, but it seems like a good place to start.

              I will get it if you send the money. πŸ˜€


                Melody wrote:

                skigod377 wrote:

                Any items going up for the weekend?

                No, I think so…Karen left for the day, and I don’t think anything else got put up today. Monday we’ll get up the Em. Pea Curls, Gold Emperors, and mebbe some other stuff.

                YEAH GOLD EMPERORS!!!


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  Wolfen, will you be around on Monday? I’ve got to work 1730-2100 hours my time or so – if they go up any other time I can get one myself… That’s to midday CA time. I hope Karen waits until the afternoon to put them up.

                  Yikes! I will try. I’ve got to take my car for repairs and register for classes tomorrow/Monday.

                  Any idea what portion of the day they will be up? Before noon, afternoon, night? Preferably at night πŸ˜€ If they’re up by maybe 1pm-5pm Central time, could someone grab two extra for me and GB?

                  Oh, and the EmPea curls…will they be a regular production piece? If so, then I can wait.


                  Are they actually going up tomorrow? I hope so I will stay up to see.

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