Your all time favorite Grab Bags!

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      I was thinking about this randomly the other day and then I got really curious about how others would answer!

      So I was looking at my “I’ll just get one and see how I like it” collection of grab bags, and I was picking out my very favorites. The ones that I would really have a hard time parting with if I were for some reason selling my collection. I would love to see pics of your absolute favorites (ones you actually own, not those “holy grail” pieces we all have!) and why you like it. If you’re not a posting pics kind of person, just tell us about your favorite, and why! I guess I’m just curious why you love these particular pieces. Is it because of the color, or how hard you had to work to get it, was it bought by someone special to you, etc.

      I was originally trying to pick my very favorite and realized that I just couldn’t do it, but I did get it down to my top four.

      These two are special to me because they were from batches that were released within a week of my nieces birthday (the purple and pink one) and then again on my nephew’s birthday (the bluer one)! So I guess these two kind of represent my niece and nephew to me (now I just need two more that are twins for my newest nieces…oy!)
       photo thetwins_zps896997ba.jpg

      This lady’s name is Serendipity, so I think that’s pretty self explanatory (I had to trade a piece I hadn’t originally planned on trading, but so worth it)!
       photo 637f7aa8-4b79-4564-8b5d-70ff6ec9a543_zps56ab53fb.jpg

      And I honestly can’t even tell you why I like this little one so much, but she’s from the original batch of gb young Poads, and she’s been sitting right by my computer ever since. My computer would just be a little less happy without her sitting there!
       photo CIMG1593.jpg


        Great idea!

        I think my all time favorite grab bag is also my Holy Grail piece, which I was able to trade for a little while ago!

        Stained Glass

        Of course I have other favorites and really I love all my grab bags (because if I didn’t I wouldn’t keep them) but Stained Glass is super special to me. 🙂

        Celestial Rainstorm

          Oh, what a beauty there!

          Finding happiness again.


            Great idea!

            I think my all time favorite grab bag is also my Holy Grail piece, which I was able to trade for a little while ago!

            Stained Glass

            Of course I have other favorites and really I love all my grab bags (because if I didn’t I wouldn’t keep them) but Stained Glass is super special to me. 🙂

            So happy she ended up with you! And happy to have been able to play my part in her coming to you, I always smile when I see photos of her 🙂

            I will soon post photos of mine! Might wait til after the new gb foxes come through and see if I can add to it 🙂


              I love your baby unicorn Stephanie! So pretty! Well I just packed up all of my Windstones and moved them to the new house so will be happy to be able to unbox them in the next week or two once we are all moved and organized. I think I have pictures of some of my favourite grab bags though so will look through and post what I can.

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


              I only own two grab bags, but I wouldn’t part with either!

              My Grab Bag Safari unicorn baby:

              I love the transition from cheetah spots to zebra stripes, he’s just a gorgeous baby. He has a king cheetah like series of spots down his spine too that is just lovely…and those little pink hooves and green eyes!

              And my Grab Bag Mini Keeper:

              Love the purple and golds, and the little bandit mask just makes her darling! Along with her purple feet =3


                It’s very rare that I get a grab bag straight from the store that I wanted as one of my #1s, but I about fainted when I opened my grab bag baby unicorn from the “leaf and lichen” batch in February of 2013 and saw this beauty. She was in the store picture and I was in love with her Christmassy feel and the adorable berries around her leaf. She’s one of the only grab bags that I have gotten from the store and never parted with 🙂

                For those of you that know me, you’ll probably remember that I am a bit of a Poad addict. At one point I had 20 Young Poads (I have since slowly tapered them down both in anticipation of new Poad batches in the future, and because I am moving next year and may not have room to display them all!). However, of the Poads that I own, these are the three that I would be hard pressed to ever part with.

                The first, who I affectionately call Alexander Sunsetface (don’t ask, I’m weird), was one of my #1 favorites from his batch (I know all Poads are supposed to be female, but some I just can’t ‘see’ that way. He may have female parts, but he identifies with the male gender!!). I love the precise and beautifully colored leaf and the sunset colors on his face.

                The second Poad was one that I was lucky enough to win off of Ebay. She wasn’t cheap, but she was worth every penny. Teal is one of my favorite colors, and the pattern on her back is irresistible. At the time, the light teal metallic eyes were very rare to see, and they go just perfectly with her scheme.

                The final Poad I would consider a “grail” piece was one that I didn’t originally think I was going to keep. But then when I got her in a trade, I realized just how amazing he colors were. I fell in love with her vibrancy, and the detailed nettuce design on her back. She’s now probably my #1 favorite Poad of all time. I can imagine parting with all of my Poads under some circumstance, but not her. I named her Alice.

                I wasn’t sure how much I was going to like the Grab Bag Mini Keepers when I got one, but I ended up absolutely loving them. I got Frost in a trade. I fell head over heels in love with him when I first saw him, and my trading partner was amazingly sweet and did everything she could to make sure I ended up with him, and I finally did! Ember was a piece I got from (if I am remembering correctly) a blind trade, so she was mine straight from the store. At first, I wasn’t sure if I was going to trade her or not, but like Alice, she grew on me to the point where I cannot imagine parting with her any longer.

                Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  I only have one grab bag, so I’m going to have to wait until the foxes come out to claim whether she’s my favourite, but for now she is; this is Boone, my Grab Bag Pebble Wolf, who I got around the time that my grandpa died, making her even more special to me. (Sadly I can’t openly display her because she’s the one Windstone my parental landlords don’t know I have! I can’t wait to move out so that I can.) She also bears the distinction of having been my very first Windstone and I love her all the more for it! I actually have two pebble wolves now (the second is the tribal marking one from Quest 13 which I named Atari) but she’s still my favourite of the two. (Even though Atari is really cool!)

                  And just because, here she is with her buddy Atari. I figure they’re a good looking pair.

                  Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



                  She’s lovely 🙂 How come your parental landlords won’t let you display her?

                  [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


                    They have a rule that I’m not allowed to buy myself pricey things (not that she was all that pricey) because I don’t pay rent. (Although I do contribute to food and gas. Up until now I have had part time jobs which didn’t support rent paying. I just got a full time one which MAY support my moving out though I don’t think I am ready for that because it isn’t feasible yet. Don’t have a car yet, don’t have savings – those were all blitzed when my cat Casper got sick – and I don’t have any friends that I could room with, so when I do move out the rent will be completely on me, rent which is, around here, pretty expensive. I did live on my own before in university but I couldn’t hack it where I was living – Vancouver is even worse than where I am now and it was literally impossible to save anything living there.) My parents don’t know Boone exists. They’re okay with me buying PYOs because I mostly either give them away (like the dragon I just finished is a wedding present) or sell them and they aren’t that expensive, but nothing over $50. I’m springing for a fox because I think I deserve it after being walloped with Casper’s $1,700 worth of vet bills! (Which I am proud to say I have completely paid off! ) I also wanted to order a PYO or two anyway as Christmas gifts, so the PYO will play decoy. 🙂 Anyway, that’s my explanation!

                    Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



                    Good Plan! I hope you get one.

                    [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


                      here she is…my pride and joy. i acquired her two weeks ago. wasnt cheap but well worth it haha.


                        Oh, wow, I don’t think I could possibly pick a favorite out of the ones I own so far. But this is the very first grab bag I ever unwrapped (first grab bag I participated in, and the first one I opened of the two I bought):

                        Great thread! I love seeing pictures of everyone’s favorites.


                          This is a really tough choice for me.I have three that it would be so darn hard to part with.My top three but choosing one…impossible.
                          ~Lotus~ , Kuddles,& Zulu.Zulu is a gift from Branzyboo so it would probably be the last one I would part with if things got that bad.
                          Image and video hosting by TinyPic
                          Image and video hosting by TinyPic
                          Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                          Male day🤞Dream on.


                            Hi Haven’t gotten too many Grab Bags of the more expensive kind yet – I try to keep my overspending down to less than $150 if I can help it.
                            Here are my TOP Favorites of the Grab Bags I currently have:

                            – GoofUp GB Curlie (traded my original GB from the store), which I really really like and got in a trade with kelseyslk (sorry, I don’t have a photo of him),

                            – Fantasy GB Uni Colt with a Dragon Tattoo (traded my original GB from the store), which I got from Ferlin1984…one of my top 10 favs of the batch,
                             photo colt68_CreamPatchDragon_zps32a26efd.jpg

                            – AND My FAVORITE Grab Bag So Far: My recent Fishy Fat Cat, which I Adore! ‘Sebastian’ is just so colorful and Mesmerizing! I LOVE Him! 😀
                             photo FishyCat6_zps222e8b40.jpg

                             photo FishyCat-Koi_zps6a5f2f4f.jpg

                             photo FishyCat4_zpsc9427cc9.jpg

                            I don’t tink I’ll sell or trade my Fishy Fat Cat, Sebastian. 🙂

                            IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                            Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                            Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                            *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                            *** Come visit me on deviantArt at

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