Young Oriental Copper Patina & Male Griffin *BOTH ON EBAY*

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    UPDATE- 1/13 Sorry guys but I need to try and sell these and well no one’s contacting me plus one person bailed out before they even put a bid on the oriental! Sheesh.
    I might as well chop the prices down even more and go for straight bidding. Gawd, it’s pathetic that I can’t even sell perfect pieces for discounted prices! In the store they eat these up faster then lighting at normal retail prices! 😕 Ah well, it’s just the way things are I guess. Anywho, they’ll be on eBay and I’m “shadowgem” there in case anyone wants to look.

    Update 1/12- Griffin in (wolf color) did not sell on eBay so I’m offering him here. Please PM me any bids if you interested. The pictures should still be up on eBay. (See link below.)

    Update- Added some pictures. Please note me if you are interested in him and what your offer is. I will probably stop by the end of the week (15th) and if no one wants him here I’ll have no choice but to put him up on eBay after that. I would really rather he go to a forum member! They are out in the store so here’s your chance to get one at a discount. (You can see seller feedback on Ebay and I’ve done trades with drag0nfeathers and lamort to name a couple…also purchased something recently from dracomancer.)

    *cries* I have to sell some pieces and it’s killing me. I don’t want to go into explanations.
    I have the male griffin (wolf) and mother coiled (bg) up on eBay if you’d like to look…..already sold the cp curled and brown griffin chick there….but those other two are still waiting. I’m offering them for less than store price.
    This is killing me I can’t seem to hold onto pieces for long lately and it’s breaking my heart.

    Anyway the copper patina young oriental is not there on Ebay because I want him especially to go to a forum member. He’s PERFECT and has tag and box.
    Please PM me offers….he is $95 in the store I won’t go too low so don’t PM me something silly like $50 cause it ain’t gonna happen. 😛
    (I will take offers for about a week and then sell it to highest bidder. Paypal would be the best way to go.)

    Thanks all for looking!


      I’m so sorry you have to sell 🙁 . I hope you get the funds you need, though.


      Thanks Purpleturtle you seem to always be there to offer sympathies! :hugs:


        No problem. I know how upset I’d be if I needed to sell my Windstones. *hugs back 🙂 *


          I am sorry that you are having problems and have to part with your beloved pieces. I hope that things get better. I wish that I could help, but I am broke because of my other Windstone purchases. I hope that your pieces find a great new home.


          Believe me I understand about being broke. I think a lot of us are suffering under this bad economy right now.



          Don’t forget I also still have a male griffin in wolf and a b/g mother coiled up on ebay.
          The male griffin is $120 with BIN….starting bid at $90. Perfect condition, with tag and box. (see link above)
          The mother coiled b/g is $75 BIN…starting bid at $60. Again perfect condition with tag and box.



          added male griffin as he did not sell on eBay

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