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    foxfeather wrote:

    Welcome back and sorry about the griffin! 🙁

    There is also a type of glue called “Weldbond” that’s availible at harware stores. it’s a type of white glue. like elmers, and when it’s dried is supposed to be waterproof. I used it on a large concrete paver earier this year and it’s worked. Just a though 8)

    Oooo I have Weldbond! 😀 I’ll give that a try! 😀 Thanks!


    skigod377 wrote:

    sunhawk wrote:

    …do you guys give your Windstones regular baths??

    😆 I was wondering that, too! I only dust mine. The only time they may see a faucet is when I am doing a PYO 😆

    I don’t put any water next to them. I only use a can of air.


      I bathe mine, but only on very rare occasion. I use a soft paintbrush and soap, then ranse with a damp paper towl and a spray-bottle of water.


        sunhawk wrote:

        …do you guys give your Windstones regular baths??

        Well, not usually my production Windstones. However, If I purchase one off Ebay and it is dirty or dusty, I give him a bath.

        But I have a tendency to keep working on my PYOs months after I declared them “done” and the clear coat applied. So I usually give them a bath before I do any “reworking” or “touchups” or “additions” or “details” etc., 😆


          Sorry to hear about your Sunrise. My Windstones are all behind glass or waiting in their boxes to get to their resting display cases. When I got my display cases my brown, green and peacock ones where very VERY dirty and dusty. I cleaned them by spraying windex, I know, on a paper towel and wiping them off. It gave them a very nice shine. I started with the peacock ones so if I ruined their paint I could still replace them since they where not retired at the time. The ones actaully on display now are behind glass and dust free for the most part. Dust can only get them now when I open the sliding door. My cases have front doors that slide left and right and lock in place.
          I hope you can repair your Sunrise w/o too much trouble


          Dragon Master wrote:

          Sorry to hear about your Sunrise. My Windstones are all behind glass or waiting in their boxes to get to their resting display cases. When I got my display cases my brown, green and peacock ones where very VERY dirty and dusty. I cleaned them by spraying windex, I know, on a paper towel and wiping them off. It gave them a very nice shine. I started with the peacock ones so if I ruined their paint I could still replace them since they where not retired at the time. The ones actaully on display now are behind glass and dust free for the most part. Dust can only get them now when I open the sliding door. My cases have front doors that slide left and right and lock in place.
          I hope you can repair your Sunrise w/o too much trouble

          One day I’ll be able to afford a proper glass case! 😀

          Actually mine are not too dusty, even my older ones, which is a bit odd. I figure it’s because my room doesn’t get much direct sunlight and dust doesn’t drift in the air as much. But who knows?


          You know, I have brains like oatmeal, I’ve been calling my gryphon the Sunrise gryphon but it is clearly in my gallery as the Sunbeam gryphon, some memory I have! LOL




            sunhawk wrote:

            You know, I have brains like oatmeal, I’ve been calling my gryphon the Sunrise gryphon but it is clearly in my gallery as the Sunbeam gryphon, some memory I have! LOL

            That’s why I just call mine “Sunny”….lol


            lamortefille wrote:

            sunhawk wrote:

            You know, I have brains like oatmeal, I’ve been calling my gryphon the Sunrise gryphon but it is clearly in my gallery as the Sunbeam gryphon, some memory I have! LOL

            That’s why I just call mine “Sunny”….lol

            That’s what people online call me sometimes, I am there in your collection, in tiny form! XD

            The gluing process has begun, unfortunately I picked the wrong piece to start with that had a slanted edge which made me have to wiggle the next piece a lot to get it in place! Don’t let your Windstone break near the eyes, they make things difficult! LOL

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