
You know you're a Windstone Addict when…

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone You know you're a Windstone Addict when…

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  • #811331

    -You sell one of two of your beloved saltwater tanks (a hobby of mine), so you can turn around and spend it on windstones. (I did this today…)
    -You check the boards at LEAST once a day, to see if anyone is selling the things you’ve been looking for, among other things.( Oh yeah..)
    -You get so excited about posting things on the forums that any sense of grammar, spelling and punctuation you once had is now nonexistent.(Mhm)
    -You haven’t even received your tax return yet, and you might already have it all spent… on windstones..(check!)
    -You know you probably post too much on the forums, but you really can’t stop yourself.(Guilty as charged.)
    -You buy new shelving and display cases for the new things you’ll be getting, before they even get to you. (also did this….)

    So, lets hear yours ladies and gentlemen!!!! What makes YOU a windstone editions addict?



      Hmmm… I think you’ve covered it pretty well!

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        You have Windstones all over your house and boxes full of Windstones in the closet because you don’t have room to display them. And…. You have so many Windstones you can’t remember all you have. 😳 πŸ˜‰ XD


          You only know what month it is because you wait for the Melody’s raffle thread. XD


          LOL 😈


          Laurie wrote:

          You only know what month it is because you wait for the Melody’s raffle thread. XD

          LOL…… thats in part true for me XD!…. i only know what the date is now cuz i see it when i check the forums.. otherwise i have trouble remembering what day it is anymore, let alone the date… all the days blend together over here in iraq πŸ˜† ..

          Plus… i also meet some of the statements above πŸ˜†


            aharttsx wrote:

            Laurie wrote:

            You only know what month it is because you wait for the Melody’s raffle thread. XD

            LOL…… thats in part true for me XD!…. i only know what the date is now cuz i see it when i check the forums.. otherwise i have trouble remembering what day it is anymore, let alone the date… all the days blend together over here in iraq πŸ˜† ..

            Plus… i also meet some of the statements above πŸ˜†

            You understand another forum members gibberish.
            XD XD XD πŸ˜‰


              You know what a Poad is. πŸ˜‰ Have many of them, and squeek* for baby Poads. 8)


                When you know you have too much stuff and need to de-clutter your house/room but can’t be parted from anything so you keep all the boxes and pieces and still accumulate more anyways (this is my problem, lack of space) πŸ˜€


                You have your friend who works at Salvation Army let you know if anything Windstone comes their way! And guess what, it WORKS!!!

                I just went and picked up a white dragon from her. I forget what it’s called, but it’s the little one that’s curled up. White curled mother? It’s in AWFUL shape. Several cracks, chips and scratches. Also, whoever owned it before wrote on the bottom. A little love note, it looks like. I’ll take pictures later when my husband gets home with my camera.


                When you count them, get to 78 and have to start over, because you might have missed one in the back…

                Have too many to display (Like Laurie said).

                Buy shelving for things yet bought (Like Talon said).

                Have dreams about the “Most awesome find ever!” with that one piece you so desperately are looking for.

                When something new hits the store, you think of a million ways to come up with even spare change to buy it immediately for fear of missing out on them!

                There are so many ways to be able to tell you are addicted, that all of us could list atleast a dozen each I am sure. XD

                Melody’s creations are quite like your basic Lay’s Potato Chip…You can’t have just one! πŸ˜€


                  We’ve all got it BAD


                  Your loved ones start complaining that you love the Windstones more then you love them….. 😳 πŸ˜†


                    I pet my Windstones more than I pet my cat. (though not really, cause I don’t want paint rubs) πŸ˜†

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