
yet another old green emp

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      I wish I could be eyeing something right now but it is hell to be poor.


        What happened to that $10,000 tax return we heard so much about? The SK didn’t take all of it.


          well EVERYONE told me that I should be getting about that much back since it was my first complete year as a home owner. Even my tax guy told me I would get back more then last year and that was $4700. I lost my night differential in July and about October I had to start claiming exempt and did not pay Federal taxes for a few checks. I had to do it to pay the bills and eat. I did not think it would effect my return so deeply. The final numbers where $2100 for both state and federal I also have about that much coming next week from my bonus check so at least the SK is paid for. I also have to pay $1300 for my cars 100K tune up and my car and motorcycle registrations and insureances hit all at the same time so I’m a BROKE little child until my over time kicks in. My tax guy said if I had not claimed exempt I would have gotten about $8000


            Everyone told me owning a house was a big tax break, but I honestly couldn’t tell the difference from one return to another. Sorry about your luck, DM. Someone led you astray. 🙁


              If I’m remembering my tax class correctly, when you pay a mortgage, you only get about $.35 credit for every dollar of interest you pay. At least I think that’s what they said…


                Sorry to hear that, DM. But gold and EmPea will be around for a while; you’ve got time to get your families.


                  Dang!! Was this already discussed???

                  crazy-high flionFor a FLION?? Holy COW!


                    But obviously not someone who pays much attention to what we talk about. Flions haven’t been up except for the short question about whether there’d be a matching family.


                      Well at least I did not go spend all sorts of money antispicating a HUGE return. Between my return and bonus/team award I’ve covered everything I have to and my OT once it totaly kicks in will help pay some bills off


                      I think it was because it was the lighter face. But I still think that was expensive.


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Everyone told me owning a house was a big tax break, but I honestly couldn’t tell the difference from one return to another.

                      It depends on where you live — the big tax break thing is true for a lot of people in California, especially in the area where I am (ridiculous house prices).


                        mimitrek wrote:

                        skigod377 wrote:

                        Everyone told me owning a house was a big tax break, but I honestly couldn’t tell the difference from one return to another.

                        It depends on where you live — the big tax break thing is true for a lot of people in California, especially in the area where I am (ridiculous house prices).

                        Ah, well that could be. My house was cheap comparitively.


                        And the emp is gone. Did anyone win it?


                          dragonessjade wrote:

                          And the emp is gone. Did anyone win it?

                          DWI for $407.88. Not a bad price at all!


                            Wow. Looks like having two emps up at the time hurt the second one’s price more than the first one’s.

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