yes im still alive

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    just been emensly busy with work and commissions for members here and from conventions lol that and my animals have been keeping me extremely busy as of late i do plan on collecting windstones again sooner or later as soon as my debt is payed off…anyways…heres one of my fat ferrets, Mayhem to make you all giggle


      DRACO!! /HUGS!!!

      And that’s not a ferret…that’s a badger….*nods sagely*


      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      DRACO!! /HUGS!!!

      And that’s not a ferret…that’s a badger….*nods sagely*

      rofl hi hun :: hugs:: and no hes a ferret..really oh and hes deaf XD


      YAY DRACO! We missed ya! Glad you haven’t died a horrible death or anything…. 😀

      Mayhem is cute 🙂 And he looks ginormous in that photo! I am picturing him stomping through downtown like godzilla… only… godferret…. 😆


        😮 That’s sooooome ferret! Adorable! 😀


        lol and can ya beleive hes only 6 months old? XD he and his brother are about the same size..theyre so much larger then my other two rofl


          Cute ferret!! And we have missed you!!


          Great to hear from you! 😀 Good luck paying off the rest of your debt!


            :hi: Don’t think I’ve made your acquaintance, but I’m no stranger to debt! HI!


            You know, I was watching House today, and I was wondering where you have been! 🙂

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