Yeral's PYOs – Gilded Sky to Khufu Keeper (Batch 1)

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      This is an outdated thread of my PYO’s – I changed to a new thread once the forums got updated 🙂

      If you’d like to see any of my more recent work, follow this link:

      Hannah’s New PYO Thread

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      Hannah’s PYO Gallery

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      Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


        So I worked on this guy all day – from when I got him in the mail at around 3, til about 12:30 at night. Still not sure if I’m completely done with him or if he still needs some touch-ups.. Sorry for the terrible cell phone quality pics, I’ll replace them when I get a chance in the next couple of days with something that looks much more clear.

        As I’ve seen said in so many other threads, the colors don’t come out quite right with him in photos but it’s the best I can do at the moment. Maybe some natural light will do him some good.

        I used mainly Liquitex paints and I brushed him with a coat of Golden gold interference and Golden blue interference on the blue parts. He looks quite golden right now, but he started out almost as brown as the towel behind him XD This was an excellent learning experience, I know now what to do at the beginning of painting, and I definitely know what I want to do better next time. Oh boy oh boy, I’m already really looking forward to tackling the Griffin that’s sitting in his box downstairs 😀 Much different color scheme planned for that one..

        EDIT: I took out most of the photos from this first post because I didn’t want people to have to scroll down through a bunch of shoddy quality pics to get to the good ones 🙂 Left one for comparison XD

        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


          😀 is this your first dragon?
          even though they are cell phone pics he looks lovely ♥


            I agree! He looks fantastic. I like the random blue scales.


              Yep, this is my first PYO in general, and my first dragon 😀 I’ve got a Griffin that’s waiting for a paint as well, he will get done sometime next week.

              Thanks for the compliments! I knew I wanted to do a blue/brown color scheme because I always thought those colors go great together. I ended up painting some gold scales with a touch of Blue interference too just to make the blue scales work better with the rest of him. I took some pictures this morning but I’m at work now so I’ll have to post them later 🙂

              Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
              Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


              I also like the effect of those random blue scales. Nice work! 🙂


                Thanks very much! He definitely didn’t come out the way that I had first imagined him, but I am totally in love with him now 😀

                Here are some better pictures of him in his final-version form. I’m not sure that I want to give him much gloss – does anyone know if it’s safe to NOT give a topcoat, or is it recommended to at least go with a matte top coat? I just don’t want to ruin the beautiful look that the interference has right now, I love how pearly it is on the cream colors.

                Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  that looks possitively pretty!


                  Oh yeah–twice as lovely with those sharper photos. What a fantastic first dragon! 🙂

                  I see why you’re worried that a glossy sealer would distract from that pretty sheen, but I’m guessing it’s safer to have some sort of top coat… 😕


                    He’s very handsome!!

                    I wouldn’t use a matte sealer, it will pretty much take out all the gloss from the metallic you have. I used it on a pearl dragon I did and now the pearl shine is gone.


                      Hmmm.. well maybe I’ll experiment with a brush-on gloss in a couple of inconspicuous spots first and see if it changes anything. I suppose if it looks decent, it’s better than nothing 🙂 Thanks for the advice!

                      Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                      Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                        Wooow. I adore him! More than I can say 😀

                        I use gloss on all my pyos. Unless you use the spray kind (as it can yellow if you spray it too close), there is no “danger” in it. It’s recommended to use a clear coat since it protects the paint.
                        Gloss is better if you want to keep shine. Matte takes all of that away (and makes the statue hard to clean).


                          This is such a gorgeous dragon! The colors are stunning, and his pearl sheen is lovely. Very nice work. :yes:


                            Ooo he is lovely! 🙂
                            I use a Satin clear coat on most of my stuffs. It doesn’t kill the pearly (that I’ve experienced) or glittery bits but it’s not as shiny as a gloss


                              Wow, very nice especially for your 1st one! Love the different colored scales. 🙂

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