Yeral's Artsy Fartsy Thread

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      Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
      Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


        Hi guys!

        I’m currently at work and browsing (trolling) the forums and decided that maybe a good way for some of you to get to know me would be through my own artwork. I’ve been super excited about the griffin that I ordered from the PYO shop the other day, hopefully it will get here this week and I’ll get to start working on it on my days off.. but until then, I’ve started to go on color overload! I’m big on color and I’m still not positive what colors I want to use on him when I get him..

        In any case, I’ve linked a few of my favorite paintings and sketches (with a little explanation for each) – I’d love to know your opinions or suggestions! I’ve never been all that great about explaining myself, I generally let my artwork do the “talking”.. that said:

        I’ll start with the sketches first.

        I’ve always loved women’s profiles and I’m much better at making them than men’s (they always tend to come out very feminine! ><). I sketched this back in 2008. It's not a terribly good scan because my computer at home makes things look a decent bit darker than any other screen I've seen them on, so I apologize in advance! Most of my sketches look washed out because of this. I should probably use gimp to darken the graphite a bit more.

        This is another one that I did in 2008. Her eye is giant, I know, and she’s not exactly pretty, but it was one of the first sketches I made that experimented with this particular style of shading in the hair, and I fell in love with it after that.

        I’m not sure if I should put up some sort of warning for the next one or not. I’m pretty well known to my friends and family as being in love with creating zombie animals, and they all started with this one little chipmunk I turned into a member of the walking dead. I guess in order to make SURE i don’t offend anyone, I will be putting him at the bottom of the list after my paintings. Can’t be too careful! Suffice it to say that he is a black and white sketch, and I want everyone to understand that I LOVE animals, and in no way do I wish harm upon them – I am just a “salty and sweet” type of girl – I LOVE juxtaposition and putting cute and scary together makes me smile.

        This is a painting I did for my brother for Christmas one year – He and I are big fans of Bjork, so I took a picture of her in this position and added some face paint that I had seen her wear on tour once. I put them together and gave it a celestial background that reminded me of her musical style.

        This is one that I started one year and put it away for almost another year before I completed it – I had the green woman down and I just didn’t know how I wanted to go about making the background. Well, my sister in law saw it and begged me to complete it for her – so I finally did, in time for her birthday. It is a fairly large painting and sadly this photo doesn’t do it justice because the flash was on. I have been meaning to get a better one taken of it, but every time I’m over their house I forget! To date, it is my favorite painting that I’ve done. It is rich in color, and in order to make the edges look nice (it is on a stretched canvas) I nailed red velvet onto the sides. I almost wish I’d kept it, but it is on display at my brother’s house, so it makes me happy that it’s getting love πŸ™‚

        Alright, this will be the last one that I put up for now – it’s something that I did over 10 years ago when I was still in high school. The project was to paint an animal without using its natural colors – I picked herons. I love this painting because even though it’s not my best, it definitely showcases how much I love color πŸ˜€

        Oh, and I almost forgot! Here’s the Zombie Chipmunk…

        Call me morbid, But I think he’s adorable πŸ™‚

        If you’d like to see more, I have a webage at

        Thanks for looking guys πŸ™‚

        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


          ZOMBIE CHIPMUNK! I think he’s GREAT! πŸ˜€


            You have a really neat style!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Very beautiful art – I REALLY love the first sketch and see that there’s a definate mystical aura about your work! Awesome patterns in your Green Woman painting, the painting is gorgeous. I like the Herons painting too WOW to have done that in highschool no less!! And the zombie chipmunk is hmmm, definately dead and someone should help it; I’m trying to think just where you might have that on display LOL In the dining room perhaps :snickers:….my daughter would love it, she has a collection of those Ugly Dolls, they are ugly and cute.

              Nice to meet your artwork!!


                I just went to your page, I LOVE that sketch of the little critter gnawing on a brain!I like zombies 😈


                  HAHAHA XD ! Cute zombie animals! I love it πŸ˜€ .
                  Your paintings are lovely as well. Bright and colorful. I particularly love the one of the storks.


                    Thanks for all the compliments everyone! πŸ™‚

                    I’m glad some of you like the zombie animals, I’m never sure – I’ve shown them to people before that I thought would dig ’em and instead got a “OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??” reaction instead ><

                    skeeterdeee – I think that guy is supposed to be a monkey, but his face looks kind of like a cat.. hehe.. I’ve always liked the brain chewin’ myself πŸ™‚ thanks!

                    Poems – I have ugly dolls myself!! I’ve got a little green tentacled one with one eye, and a little purple guy with stubby arms πŸ˜€ I’ve always loved them! And lol! I may have to put a copy of the chipmunk next to the toaster – you know, just to get people’s appetites going XD

                    Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                    Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!

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