Yeesh! Just a tad smaller than I expected…

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      I got my bat wing flapcat today. I was quite a bit surprised about how small it was…I thought it would be at least three times bigger.

      Oh well, I’m still happy with it. 😀



          OMG they are small 😯


          Teensy. 😯 I never realized they had their tongues out. That’s cute. 😀


          yes they are. and 10 years ago they were only about 20 bucks and all i could afford of windstones. 🙂


            I guess in 10 years Windstones double in price. I paid $45. Being so small, I’m glad I didn’t pay BT’s $90.

            I love this flapcat’s look, she reminds me of me oldest cat.


              Geez, he really is small, isn’t he? A little too small for my tastes… x:


              Aww, itty bitty kitty. 🙂 Too bad they’re not a mite pudgier, they’re about the right size to be kittens to the bigger flap cats.


                gryphondreamer wrote:

                yes they are. and 10 years ago they were only about 20 bucks and all i could afford of windstones. 🙂

                Yup! I do believe they were the first Windstones I purchased. That tiny price tag was an encouragement to buy one and once you have one or two small ones, it’s on to the bigger pieces. lol I think it’s a smart move on Melody’s part to put the black curls into stores. Nothing like a beautiful little curl dragon to get another person hooked; -)


                Windstone has its marketing down pat, that’s for sure. 😯 😀


                it does! i eventually bought all 4 of the little flap cats! 😀 😀 😀


                  They are tiny! I have both black ones. I think they were also supposed to be “Good” the bird winged has a cute little smile on his face and “Bad” The Bat Winged has his tongue out like he just got into mischief!


                    The curled ones are also really small. I thought they would be about as big as the coiled dragon!


                      I love the tiny little flapcats! I was surprised a bit when I got my first one, since I bought it online. I love it though! I hope they do PYO flapcats that size eventually.

                      I still need the black bird winged one, I have the other three.


                        I love the size of the flap cats it adds to the cuteness

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