Ye Olde Bardic College NOW ENROLLING

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  • #940468

    Etruscan,I tried it and almost made it,not quite. :bigsmile:
    Bodinetoo has done his poem and needs to know where to post it and Feb.1? Any topic name in particular?

    He should post it closer to the time the raffle will happen, so around the last half of the month of February and at least 5 days before the end of the month.

    And we are going to do it just like previous forum members have asked Melody about the upcoming raffle, you can just make a topic called in Ask Melody > “February Raffle?” and supply your poem. Or if someone asks before you, you can use their topic thread and put the poem in there. Or if you have a crazy and fun way you’d like to deliver the poem instead, you can do that too! We encourage creativity at this school!


      Etruscan,I tried it and almost made it,not quite. :bigsmile:
      Bodinetoo has done his poem and needs to know where to post it and Feb.1? Any topic name in particular?

      He should post it closer to the time the raffle will happen, so around the last half of the month of February and at least 5 days before the end of the month.

      And we are going to do it just like previous forum members have asked Melody about the upcoming raffle, you can just make a topic called in Ask Melody > “February Raffle?” and supply your poem. Or if someone asks before you, you can use their topic thread and put the poem in there. Or if you have a crazy and fun way you’d like to deliver the poem instead, you can do that too! We encourage creativity at this school!

      Okay,thanks.He will have to redo it a bit.He did one about Windstone,etc.not about what he wants in a raffle prize.

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male day🤞Dream on.


      Etruscan,I tried it and almost made it,not quite. :bigsmile:
      Bodinetoo has done his poem and needs to know where to post it and Feb.1? Any topic name in particular?

      He should post it closer to the time the raffle will happen, so around the last half of the month of February and at least 5 days before the end of the month.

      And we are going to do it just like previous forum members have asked Melody about the upcoming raffle, you can just make a topic called in Ask Melody > “February Raffle?” and supply your poem. Or if someone asks before you, you can use their topic thread and put the poem in there. Or if you have a crazy and fun way you’d like to deliver the poem instead, you can do that too! We encourage creativity at this school!

      Okay,thanks.He will have to redo it a bit.He did one about Windstone,etc.not about what he wants in a raffle prize.

      It’s in honor of the raffle, it doesn’t have to strictly be about the raffle, this month just turned into a lil raffle prize poetry battle =) He can do whatever strikes his fancy!


      JULY please ^-^

      Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John) |

      As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
      Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


      August please. The month I remet my guy, Trucker


      Thank you everyone for playing, this is going to be a whole lot of fun. All Bardic College classes for the year 2016 are full! But remember, we still might all get the chance to help out a fellow Bard at any month.


        Here’s one for the college.
        A Windstone Poem

        One day came a dragon flying into my home
        I asked my dear wife,”What have you done?”
        She answered with a smile,”No worries my love,there’ll be only one.”

        It sat there with pride
        as she longed for a ride.
        I laughed to myself
        for one of her dreams is being an elf.
        To ride on the backs of ones so divine
        She thinks to herself,”He’s really all mine.”

        One sunny warm day,in flew another
        I thought to myself,”Oh my dear brother.”
        Then soon to arrive came poads,dragons,horned,and winged creatures
        with amazing designs,colors,and features.
        Sitting all about our humble abode
        I often wonder how the creator came up with the Poad?

        Dragons aplenty and Wizards of three
        I found myself wanting a few just for me.
        Her birthday is nigh and she wishes all edgy
        with a dream of having a Toasted Pearl Fledgie.

        I watch as she paints her own unicorns
        with gold,silver,and bronze pointy horns
        She soon smiles with such glee
        and proclaims,”This one’s for me!”
        But I know in the end
        She’ll send it to a friend.

        We truly love them all
        and hope they’ll never fall
        but in case that they do
        we know Mrs.Melody will ring true
        with many more treasures
        and bring us all pleasures
        of Poads,Hoofers,Dragons with Wizards,and other cute critters
        to send our hearts sailing with all kinds of jitters.

        For if you be a Windstone collector like me
        You too will thank the powers that be.
        They give us much love and such incredible treasures
        “surely,”we must think,”There can be no equal measures.”

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male day🤞Dream on.

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