Yay!! Not annoyed anymore!(Update, pg 3)

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      I hate to put a damper on things, but don’t believe it till you have it in your hands. Keep the claim open on paypal till then.


        2Huberts wrote:

        I hate to put a damper on things, but don’t believe it till you have it in your hands. Keep the claim open on paypal till then.

        Agreed – it’s always hard to tell when people are telling the truth online (especially on eBay – I’ve had some bad experiences 🙁 ). I hope it all goes well for you, though, purpleturtle! I’ve always liked UPS’s tracking better than USPS’s (they seem to update more, in my experience).


          2Huberts wrote:

          I hate to put a damper on things, but don’t believe it till you have it in your hands. Keep the claim open on paypal till then.

          I intend to 😉 . I’m not doing a darn thing until I have my dragon in may hands!


          purpleturtle wrote:

          2Huberts wrote:

          I hate to put a damper on things, but don’t believe it till you have it in your hands. Keep the claim open on paypal till then.

          I intend to 😉 . I’m not doing a darn thing until I have my dragon in may hands!

          I hope that it comes soon! 😀


            I agree with 2Huberts. Don’t believe it until you have it in your hands.


            I’m glad you finally got return contact from the seller. I hope everything works out.


              RiDuvessa wrote:

              I’m glad you finally got return contact from the seller. I hope everything works out.

              I really hope so to. I’m not holding my breath, though. I’m ‘cautiously optimistic’ 😉 . I appreciate everyones suggestions and support. Thanks 🙂 .


              I hope the dragon reaches you soon and safely. 😉


                Well, remember the lost damaged Peacock Lap did a littl cross-country detour, well she arrived today! Not only did she arrive today, I also recieved a little black Bird-winged Flap Cat I won on ebay Sunday as well !!!
                Still, I haven’t recieved my Emerald Scratching Dragon yet 🙁 . I’m hoping to see him by this weekend, but as I said before – I’m not going to hold my breath. It’s a little stressful, he wasn’t exactly ‘cheap’ if you know what I mean. I wouldn’t have even bothered to get him from this seller if I knew it was going to be such a pain in the butt 🙄 . I just hope I can get my money back if the seller continues to be so diffilcult. Ick- I hate conflict.


                Does the seller regularly sell Windstones? I mean, is it a name that pops up often on E-Bay?


                  Well, just recieved a message from the seller. Turns out they did not ship the dragon out Saturday via UPS because it was going to be too expensive. About 94 dollars according to them. ICK if that is true. They did however mail him out Priority yesterday. I have a tracking number and yes, this one apparently IS working 😀 . I’m sure they know about Windstones – they appently spent over 500 dollars for the Scratcher. I however did not. Why they thought I needed to know how much they spent on him is not clear. They did’nt need to take my offer if they thought the dragon was worth more. Whatever, as long has I get him I’ll be happy. At least I can track him this time. I just hope the package is’nt empty 😮 !


                  For real. Good luck this time around!


                    Yay!!! My Emerald Scratcher finally arrived! He’s so pretty – I love him. I didn’t think I would like the Emerald color so much, but in person its sooo nice. Ummm – does anyone have any Emerald Fledglings that they are willing to part with 😳 ?




                        Yay!!! 🙂

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