GOSH! I’ve been now, like 3 WHOLE weeks with no internet, save for an hour here and there at the library. My friends were worrying..”So…the only reason you want the internet back is so you can read your forum?”
“YES!!!! WHATS WRONG WITH THAT!?” and they’d give me this weird look ❓
Time Warner Cable wanted $500 to give back our digital cable box and turn the cable internet back on we said…FORGET YOU GUYS! and switched to AT&T/Yahoo! DSL and…for some strange reason *knocks on wood* our cable TV’s are still working, minus the one we had digital cable on down stairs.
It feels so great to be sitting on the internet at 4:00am again 😀 lol well for now…it’ll take me days to catch up. BUT IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!
My parents also noticed..”HEY…there haven’t been any big parcels in the post lately….and that cute UPS man hasn’t been stopping by so often….why?” and saying silly things like “Now doesn’t it feel good to have some spare money?” Well yea it does, but hey, that’s besides the point!
I thought I’d share *goes off to reading and replying to more posts*