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  • #839835

      Ooh I forgot one of the most important pieces of this new rollout… now I have 2 Gb of pipe. Yarrrr screw this 100 Mb stuff! I’ve got two 3560’s chained using GBICs with 2 GigE pipes back to separate 6509 chassis and a spare 100 Mb drop as an STP backup in case someone bumps my cable.


        Nogardpans wrote:

        Ooh I forgot one of the most important pieces of this new rollout… now I have 2 Gb of pipe. Yarrrr screw this 100 Mb stuff! I’ve got two 3560’s chained using GBICs with 2 GigE pipes back to separate 6509 chassis and a spare 100 Mb drop as an STP backup in case someone bumps my cable.

        Nice! That’s definitely takes some coin there. Then again, it’s not your home set up. THAT would be impressive if it was. 😀 I’d want to move into a back room of your house if it was!


          I think it’s considered living there when I spend 18 hours a day there and only 4 at my “house”.

          For all intents and purposes, it IS my connection, I do whatever I need to do on it and take the results home 🙂

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