
Yammers First Art Post

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    Zephyr wrote:

    This artwork is phenomenal! I absoloutely love your work — especially Ammonia. Which artists inspire you the most?

    I’m very happy you like my work so much. If I looked at some of my most influential artists, I would have to point number one, at Koishii Kitty. She really is the one that got me started on creature art and drawings.
    Then I am heavily inspired by the works of Doug Chiang, Greg Tonge, John Howe, Todd Lockwood, Alison Theus and GunnerRomantic.
    Also, I’ve been increasingly inspired by some writers such as Neil Gaiman, Orson Scott Card, Irene Radford and Tony Daniel.
    Each have been very influential in my art development and continue to do so.
    Of course, you also have great music too. :3

    Basically, I like to stretch reality as far as I can and take an everyday aspect or object and merge it into my own work.

    I know that is a ton of rambling but I hope that answers your questions. ^^;


    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Cool, more personal critter art! It’s great fun to see such creations.

    Koi was responsible for Hru’s lineart but thank you very much for the sweet comment. :3


    drag0nfeathers wrote:

    OMG!!!!! YAMMERS! I didn’t even know you were HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆 😆 😆 I IZ SO HAPPY!!!!

    Lol, thank you Feathers. Koi sent me a text telling me you were excited about me being here. XD I hope you continue to enjoy my works. :3

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