Xmas shopping? Real life unicorns for sale on Craigslist

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      Somebody in Goffstown NH has an ad on Craigslist for “real live” unicorns, but the two must be sold together for $930,000, (for those who have any cash left after the last Grab Bag) $)

      Also available are unicorn eggs.



        Awww….I’d just love to hatch a unicorn from an egg and hand feed it! 😀 So funny!


          Yes, and here we were always told that unicorns were “mythical” beings that didn’t exist (like Santa Claus). It didn’t say how much they charge for unicorn eggs, but given the price of the 2 unicorns, I think its out of my price range. lol

          I wonder if they did plastic surgery to some poor horses and implanted a horn. Or, perhaps just photo-shopped the picture they used to do the Craigslist ad?


            $930,000 PER unicorn! That’s a bargain!
            That has to be the cutest ad I have ever seen, I really like the picture he put on it! So cute!


              I wonder if they did plastic surgery to some poor horses and implanted a horn.

              Oh, please, oh, please, no. I don’t even want to think this thought!!


              The picture that is in that ad is from a professional photographer’s book/calendars. His name is Robert Valdez or something like that (It’s been thirty years and I can’t remember). He did his work in the late seventies, early eighties; a friend of mine worked for him and wanted to use one of my horses as a one of his unicorns (I had a leopard appaloosa with one blue eye). The horns were elaborate strap-ons and didn’t harm the horses at all.

              Otherwise, it is a cute ad! Appropriate for the family whose has everything!


                I thought only virgins and ‘faire’ maidens could get close to, and tame a unicorn. How many of those households do you think there are now days? (HeeHee) Cute ad, I wonder how many people fell for it? 🙂

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                  Rock-Reader said:

                  “The picture that is in that ad is from a professional photographer’s book/calendars. His name is Robert Valdez or something like that (It’s been thirty years and I can’t remember). He did his work in the late seventies, early eighties; a friend of mine worked for him and wanted to use one of my horses as a one of his unicorns (I had a leopard appaloosa with one blue eye). The horns were elaborate strap-ons and didn’t harm the horses at all.”

                  How cool that you know the photographer. I wonder if he knows that somebody’s using his pictures to scam someone out of money purchasing live unicorns on Craigslist?

                  So, is that one of your horses in the ad?

                  “Strap-on” horn! OMG I guess it’s better than “implants”.


                  No, my horse was never used (I’d have had to send him out of town to the photographer and I didn’t want to do that) and I personally did not know the photographer. However, I did buy his calendars every year for a while there. Beautiful pictures; I think he mainly used Andelusians (sp?) They looked real in the photos. Very cool!

                  EDIT* The photographer’s name is Robert Vavra and his book, Unicorns I Kave Known, is available (but pricey) at Amazon.com


                    I have – or had – one of his books. Nice pics 🙂

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      Really pretty photography work! 😀

                      Check out my finished artwork at http://falcolf.deviantart.com/ and my sketch/studio blog at http://rosannapbrost.tumblr.com/



                        I used to get Robert Vavra’s calendars every year. I was really disappointed when they discontinued them. 🙁


                        I have the book “Unicorns I Have Known”, and recognized the picture as soon as I saw it in the link.

                        I wonder what my family would say if I asked for a unicorn for Christmas?


                          Those unicorns look like the ones from the movie Legend. Does the poster think that anyone who would be looking to purchase a real unicorn would not have seen any unicorn books, movies or anything? smh. Geeeeze!

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