WTT PYO Paint Job for UP PYO

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    I want to paint some PYOs.

    **You send me two PYOs of equal value and I will send one of them back with a paint job.**

    I would like to keep the paint job request general and open. I will provide plenty of pictures and updates.

    I will do my best to keep the time frame under 45 days, and will keep my trade partner informed. Trade partner pays for postage when ready to ship.

    I have references and feedback on Ebay under pegasus2420. I have examples of my work in the PYO Gallery: http://www.windstoneeditions.com/category/image-galleries/paint-your-own-gallery/pegasus4240


    -- Angie


    Would really like to unleash my creativity on some PYOs. 🙂

    -- Angie


    Due to the fact that I’m new to the PYO world and I don’t have a lot of work out there and I really, really want some bodies to play with, I changed the terms from trading for two blanks to one blank. This is a great deal!!

    -- Angie


    This offer still stands. Is anybody actually considering this or ? PM me and see if I can ease your concerns. Thanks!

    -- Angie


      Why don’t you start with a straight painted PYO trade? Some members really enjoy that. I will be starting a PYO swap very soon, so you can join in that too. Or are you having funding issues?

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      Yes, lack of funds, although I hope I’m able to swing for a PYO and shipping for the upcoming Swap. Love those. 🙂

      In my other hobby, it’s not unusual for lesser known artists to offer commissions for reduced cost or bodies to get their work out there and seen. But if nobody wants to trade that’s fine. I just thought I’d try. Sounds like a heck of a deal from my side. Not to toot my own horn. 🙂

      -- Angie


      To the top. One more time. 🙂

      -- Angie

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