WTT: Pearl Hatching Empress for dark ruby or jade dragon

Home Forums Administration Trade & Swap WTT: Pearl Hatching Empress for dark ruby or jade dragon

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  • #502467
    Wampus Dragon

      Wampus Dragon

        I would like to trade my Pearl Hatching Empress(not mint, small chip on her topmost horn, but an easy fix) for any of these dragons listed:

        Dark Ruby:
        Emperor (not the hatching)

        young oriental
        sun oriental
        emperor (not hatching)

        Or rather Im interested in ANY jade or dark ruby I dont have already. This is what I HAVE:

        Jade oriental
        Jade coiled male
        Jade scratcher

        dark ruby young dragon
        dark ruby male dragon
        dark ruby fledgling

        Depending on which dragon you are willing to trade, if its worth more or less than the empress, then either I would give money with the empress or you would give money to get the empress, plus the dragon you trade.


          Just a heads up, the Jade coloration has only ever been seen on the scratcher, oriental, young oriental, coiled male and there is ONE Emperor at the factory. The Sun has not been seen in jade.

          Wampus Dragon

            WolfenMachine wrote:

            Just a heads up, the Jade coloration has only ever been seen on the scratcher, oriental, young oriental, coiled male and there is ONE Emperor at the factory. The Sun has not been seen in jade.

            I believe someone had a Jade hatching empress for sale? What about hatching royalty then?


              There are three jade hatching empress’ I have seen including mine but no kinglets or hatching emps. there is also mention of a jade coiled mother dragon on ravenheart but no photo

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