
WTT Flion for Sand Fledgeling

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    Would there be any interest in my Flion to be traded for your Sand Fledgling? I don’t care about tags, but do want the fledgie in new condition… I just really love the color, and cannot afford one right now, or in the near future when they should be back in stock, I should say. LOL Let’s just say that being an independent contractor sucks in this economy. 😛

    I’ll be happy to get pix of the flion for perusal if there IS any interest; right now hunting for my camera and the cord and then resizing images seems silly if no one wants him. 😀



      That’s a really great deal for someone. Granted it was years ago when the Flion was more scarce, but I paid $200 for my Flion. I hope you find someone to trade with you 🙂


        What’s a Flion? I don’t think I have seen one. :glasses:


        It’s the winged lion– he is a brown lion, with creamy wings, and golden eyes and the stones in his necklace are, I believe (He is currently in the closet as I do not have room for him on my shelf LOL) teal.

        If you do a google search, the image does come up — but I didn’t want to link any images, as they might be misrepresented as being the one I am trading — if I get anyone interested, I’ll be happy to post as many images as the tradee wants 😀


          I want one but only a few Windstones to trade for him . And not the one you want .


            What’s a Flion? I don’t think I have seen one. :glasses:

            This is a Flion
            Flions like Starbucks



            Oh poo ::grin:: I got superexcited for a second– its been a really … erm… poo-tinted last few weeks, and thought someone wanted to trade; but thank you Wolfen, for posting the Flion pix; I’ll actually get my wheels rolling to get the pix of my own flion posted this coming week; mebbe that’ll get folks interested in him 😀


              Would you trade him for something else ? I have a few Windstones for trade under this and Non Windstone Flea Market .

              Like a Vampire Bat or an Emerald Coiled Dragon .


              Sadly, the only thing I collect now are the fledgies– and really the only one I’m eager to own now is the sand one. But thanks for the offering 🙂 I’m hoping that my better half gets a job soon — she’s been looking for months — and with that, I can just buy one from the shop. 🙂

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