WTS Magic the Gathering Cards, my whole huge collection, 2843 cards!

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    I remember some people were interested in older MTG cards, so I thought I would post my collection. I would love to sell them all in one huge lot but will break down my sets if necessary. Will also trade for Windstones =)
    I have cataloged all my cards and have 2,843 not including basic mana cards. I am not going to post the list here because it’s almost 40pages. Please message or email me for a card list and specify if you want the whole list or are just interested in certain sets. My cards have never been picked through, and thus the collection contains tons of commons, uncommons, and rares. All my cards are in excellent to very good condition unless specifically noted after that card’s listing in the big old list. Many of them are in penny sleeves or the thicker deck protector sleeves to protect cards that were played.

    the breakdown:
    revised: 98 cards
    4th edition 377 cards
    The dark: 48 cards
    Legends and Antiquities: 7 cards
    Fallen empires: 49
    Chronicles: 44
    Ice age: 240
    Visions: 143
    Mirage: 290
    Invasion: 425
    Mercadian masques: 53
    Homelands: 33
    Prophecy: 277
    Tempest 102
    Portal: 89
    Weatherlight: 72
    6th edition: 121
    7th edition: 38
    Apocalypse: 14
    Plainshift: 144
    Nemesis: 164
    Odysessy: 15



    Im still interested, you can message me with sets you have done thus far.


    Here’s the whole awkward list if anyone else is curious

    Revised Cards
    Animate wall (small marks on card’s border)
    Bad moon (slight bend, some scratches on back)
    Benalish hero x2
    Blue elemental blast
    Circle of protection black
    Craw wurm x2
    Cursed land
    Dark ritual x 2
    Death ward
    Dragon whelp
    Drudge skeletons
    Erg raiders x 2
    Evil presence
    Fire elemental
    Giant growth x2
    Gray ogre
    Guardian angel x 2
    Hill giant
    Holy armor x 2 (one card has a bent bottom corner)
    Holy strength
    Hurloon minotaur x 4 (two cards have bent corners)
    Ironroot treefolk x2
    Kird ape x 2 (one card has a severe bend)
    Llanowar elves
    Magnetic mountain (bend on top of card)
    Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
    Obsidian Golem
    Pearled unicorn
    Phantasmal forces
    Plague rats x 3
    Power leak x4
    Power sink x2
    Raise dead
    Reconstruction x 2
    Red elemental blast
    Savannah lions
    Scryb sprites (card edge is bent)
    Sea serpent x 3 (one card has some scratches)
    Sedge troll (severe bend on top of card)
    Shivan Dragon
    Siren’s call
    Stone giant
    Stream of life x 3
    Tunnel x2
    Unstable mutation x 2
    Volcanic eruption
    Wall of fire
    Wall of wood
    War mammoth x2
    Water elemental
    Wild growth
    Winter Orb
    Wooden Sphere
    Total cards = 98

    4th edition
    Air elemental
    Alabaster potion x 2
    Aladdin’s lamp
    Aladdin’s ring
    Ali baba
    Amrou kithkin x 2
    Amulet of krog x 5
    Angry mob
    Animate dead
    Ankh of mishra
    Apprentice wizard
    Armageddon clock
    Ashes to ashes x 2
    Ashnod’s battle gear
    Aspect of wolf
    Battering ram x 2
    Benalish hero x 2
    Bird maiden x2
    Black knight
    Black mana battery
    Black ward
    Blue elemental blast
    Blue mana battery
    Blue ward
    Bog imp x 3
    Bog rats
    Bog wraith
    Brass man
    Brothers of fire x3
    Burrowing x 2
    Carnivorous plants x 5
    Carrion ants
    Castle x 2
    Cave people x 3
    Celestial prism
    Circle of protection black
    Circle of protection blue
    Circle of protection red
    Clay statue
    Control magic
    Coral helm
    Cosmic horror
    Counter spell
    Craw wurm x2
    Creature bond x 4
    Crystal rod
    Cursed land
    Cursed rack
    Cyclopean mummy x 2
    Dancing scimitar
    Death ward x 2
    Death grip
    Desert twister x 2
    Diabolic machine
    Divine transformation
    Dragon engine x 2
    Drain life
    Drudge skeletons x 3
    Durkwood boars x 4
    Dwarven warriors x 3
    Earth elemental x 2
    Elven riders
    Energy flux x 3
    Energy tap
    Erg raiders x2
    Erosion x4
    Eternal warrior x 4
    Eye for an eye (very worn and heavily played card, staining, bends, overall poor condition)
    Fear x 3
    Fire elemental x 2
    Fireball x 3
    Firebreathing x 2
    Fissure x 4
    Flood x 2
    Flying magic carpet
    Fog x 2
    Force of nature
    Fortified area
    Frozen shade x 3
    Gaseous form
    Giant growth
    Giant spider x 4
    Giant strength x 5
    Giant tortoise x 2
    Glasses of urza
    Goblin balloon brigade
    Goblin king
    Goblin rockslide
    Grapeshot catapult x 3
    Gray ogre x 2
    Green ward
    Grizzly bears
    Healing salve
    Helm of chatzuk x2
    Hill giant x3
    Holy armor
    Holy strength
    Howl from beyond
    Hurkyl’s recall
    Hurloon minotaur
    Hurr jackal
    Hypnotic specter
    Immolation x 2
    Iron star x 2
    Ironclaw orcs
    Ironroot treefolk x 3
    Ivory cup
    Ivory tower
    Island sanctuary
    Jade monolith
    Jayemdae tome
    Junun efreet x 2
    Killer bees
    Land leeches x 3
    Land tax
    Ley druid
    Living artifact
    Llanowar elves x 2
    Lord of Atlantis
    Lord of the Pit
    Lost soul x3
    Mana clash
    Marsh gas x 3
    Marsh viper x 3
    Merfolk of the pearl trident
    Mesa Pegasus x 2
    Mind bomb
    Mishra’s factory x 2
    Mons’s goblin raiders x2
    Morale x 3
    Mountains COUNT 245
    Murk dwellers x 4
    Nafs asp x 4
    Northern paladin
    Orcish artillery
    Osai vultures x 3
    Pearled unicorn x 4
    Phantasmal forces
    Phantasmal terrain
    Piety x3
    Pikemen x 3
    Pit scorpion
    Plague rats x 3
    Power leak x2
    Power sink x 3
    Pradesh gypsies
    Prodigal sorcerer
    Psychic venom
    Rag man x 2
    Raise dead
    Red elemental blast
    Red ward
    Rod of ruin
    Royal assassin
    Samite healer x 3
    Scathe zombies
    Scavenging ghoul
    Scryb sprites x 3
    Sea serpent x 3
    Sengir vampires
    Serra angel
    Shanodin dryads x 2
    Shatter x 3
    Shivan dragon
    Siren’s call
    Sisters of the flame x 4
    Soul net
    Spell blast
    Spirit shackle
    Steal artifact
    Stone giant
    Stone rain x 4
    Stream of life
    Swords to plowshares
    Sunken city x 2
    Tawnos’s weaponry
    The brute
    The rack
    Thicket basilisk
    Throne of bone x 2
    Timber wolves
    Time elemental (some staining on card)
    Tranquility x 3
    Tundra wolves
    Uncle Istvan
    Unholy strength
    Unstable mutation
    Untamed wilds x2
    Uthden troll x 2
    Vampire bats x 2
    Venom x2
    Volcanic eruption
    Wall of bone x 2
    Wall of brambles x 2
    Wall of fire
    Wall of ice
    Wall of spears
    Wall of swords
    Wall of wood x 4
    War mammoth x 3
    White knight
    White mana battery
    Wild growth
    Winter blast
    Wooden sphere
    Word of binding x 3
    Yotian soldier x 2
    Zephyr falcon
    Zombie master
    Total cards = 377
    The Dark
    Apprentice wizard
    Ashes to ashes
    Ball lightning
    Barl’s cage
    Carnivorous plant x 2
    Dance of many
    Deep water
    Eater of the dead
    Erosion x 2
    Festival x 5
    Gaea’s touch
    Giant shark x 3
    Goblin digging team
    Goblins of the flag x3
    Holy light
    Land leeches
    Maze of ith
    Miracle worker x 2
    Murk dwellers
    Safe haven
    Savaen elves
    Scavenger folk x2
    Squire x 2
    Sunken city x 2
    Tormod’s crypt x 2
    Venom * edges worn, scratched
    Wand of ith
    Winter wurm
    Word of binding
    Total cards = 48

    Snow covered lands x 13
    Adarkar unicorn x 2
    Arctic foxes
    Arcum’s sleigh x3
    Arcum’s weathervane x 2
    Balduvian bears x 2
    Balduvian shaman x 3
    Barbarisn guides
    Barbed sextant x 2
    Battle frenzy
    Blessed wine x 4
    Bone shaman * worn edges
    Brown ouphe x 2
    Centuar archer *worn edges
    Chub toad x 2
    Circle of protection black
    Circle of protection blue
    Circle of protection green
    Circle of protection red x 2
    Circle of protection white
    Cloak of confusion
    Cooperation x 2
    Dark banishing
    Dark ritual
    Death ward x 2
    Demonic consultation x2
    Despotic scepter
    Dire wolves
    Dreams of the dead
    Drift of the dead
    Dwarven armory
    Errant minion x 3
    Essence filter x2
    Essence flare x 2
    Fanatical fever
    fear x3
    flame spirit
    flare x2
    folk of the pines x 3
    forbidden lore
    force void
    foul familiar
    foxfire x 2
    Freyalise Supplicant
    Fyndhorn brownie x 3
    Gangrenous zombies x2
    General jarkeld
    Giant growth x 4
    Giant trap door spider x 2
    Glacial wall
    Goblin sappers x2
    Goblin ski patrol x 2
    Howl from beyond
    Hurricane x 2
    Hyalopterous lemure x2
    Hydroblast x2
    Iceberg x2
    Icy manipulator
    Illusionary forces
    Illusionary wall
    Imposing visage x2
    Infernal denizen
    Jester’s mask
    Jeweled amulet x 2
    Juniper order druid
    Karplusan Yeti
    Kelsinko ranger x 4
    Kjjelodoran dead x3
    Kjeldoran frostbeast
    Kjeldoran elite guard
    Kjeldoran guard x2
    Kjeldoran skyknight x2
    Kjeldoran warrior
    Knight of the stronghold
    Krovikan fetish
    Krovikan sorcerer x 2
    Lava burst x3
    Lava tubes
    Legions of Lim-dul x4
    Leshrae’s rite
    Maddening wind x2
    Marton Stromgald
    Mind ravel x3
    Moor fiend
    Mountain goat x3
    Mystic remora x 3
    Norritt x2
    Onyx talisman
    Orcish farmer x2
    Orcish lumberjack
    Pale bears
    Panic x 4
    Pestilence rats x2
    Power sink x3
    Prismatic ward x 2
    Rally x 3
    Ray of erasure
    Regeneration x 2
    Rime dryad
    Sabretooth tiger
    Scaled wurm x 2
    Seizures x 2
    Shambling strider
    Shatter x 2
    Shield bearer *poor condition, part of card cut out
    Silver erne
    Snowfall * back of card damaged/scrapped
    Soldevi machinist x2
    Songs of the damned x 2
    Soul burn x2
    Soul kiss x2
    Stonehands x2
    Stone spirit
    Tarpan x 2
    Tor Giant x3
    Touch of death
    Wild growth
    Wooly spider
    Word of undoing
    Updraft x 2
    Yavimaya gnats
    Zuran enchanter
    Total cards = 240

    Blanket of night
    Brass-talon chimera
    Bull elephant x 2
    City of solitude
    Cloud elemental x4
    Creeping mold
    Crypt rats
    Dark privilege
    Death watch
    Diamond kaleidoscope
    Dwarven vigilantes x3
    Elven cache x2
    Emerald charm x2
    Fallen askari x2
    Feral instinct
    Fireblast x 3
    Flooded shoreline
    Freewind falcon
    Funeral charm x2
    Giant caterpillar x2
    Goblin swine-rider
    Gossamer chains x2
    Griffin canyon
    Hearth charm
    Hope charm x2
    Hulking Cyclops
    Impulse x2
    Infantry veteran x 2
    Infernal harvest x2
    Iron-heart chimera
    Jamuraan lion
    Juju bubble
    Jungle basin x2
    Keeper of kookus
    King cheetah x5
    Knight of valor x2
    Lead-belly chimera
    Lightning cloud
    Mob mentality x2
    Mortal wound x2
    Mystic veil
    Panther warriors
    Phyrexian walker
    Python x 3
    Quirion druid
    Quirion ranger x2
    Parapet x3
    Phyrexian marauder x2
    Raging gorilla
    Righteous aura x5
    Rock slide x2
    Shrieking drake
    Shimmering efreet
    Sisay’s ring
    Solfatara x 2
    Song of blood x 2
    Spider climb
    Spitting drake
    Stampeding wildebeests
    Sun clasp
    Suq’ata lancer x3
    Talruum champion
    Talruum piper
    Tar pit warrior x 5
    Time and tide
    Tin-wing chimera
    Tremor x3
    Uktabi orangutan x2
    Urborg mindsucker x2
    Vampirism x2
    Viashivan dragon
    Vision charm x2
    Wake of vultures
    Ward of denial
    Warrior’s honor
    Waterspout djinn
    Wicked reward x 3
    Total cards = 143

    Abyssal hunter
    Agility x 2
    Alarum x2
    Afiya grove
    Armorer guildmage x 4
    Armor of thorns x4
    Asimra, holy avenger
    Azimaet drake
    Bad river
    Bay falcon x3
    Benevolent unicorn x2
    Blighted shaman
    Blinding agony x 2
    Blistering barrier x3
    Bone harvest x4
    Bone mask
    Breathstealer x 3
    Burning shield askari x 3
    Cadaverous knight
    Charcoal diamond x2
    Choking sands x2
    Cinder cloud x3
    Civic guildmage
    Cloak of invisibility
    Crash of rhinos x3
    Crystal golem x3
    Crystal vein x2
    Cursed totem
    Dark banishing
    Dazzling beauty
    Dirtwater wraith
    Divine offering x2
    Drain life x2
    Dread specter
    Dream cache x3
    Dwarven nomad
    Ebony charm
    Ekundu Cyclops
    Ekundu griffin x 2
    Emberwilde caliph
    Energy vortex x2
    Enfeeblement x3
    Ersatz gnomes x 2
    Fallow earth
    Femeref healer x2
    Femeref knight x 3
    Femeref scouts x2
    Fetid horror x4
    Final fortune
    Firebreathing Count 100
    Fire diamond
    Flame elemental
    Flare x5
    Fog x3
    Giant mantis x2
    Gibbering hyenas x2
    Goblin elite infantry x3
    Goblin scouts
    Goblin soothsayer
    Goblin tinkerer
    Gravebane zombie
    Grim feast
    Hazerider drake
    Healing salve x2
    Horrible hordes
    Incinerate x 3
    Iron tusk elephant
    Ivory charm x2
    Jolrael’s centaur x2
    Jolt x2
    Jungle patrol
    Jungle troll
    Jungle wurm
    Kaervek’s torch
    Kukemssa pirates
    Kukemssa serpent
    Lead golem
    Lightning reflexes x 2
    Lure of prey
    Mangara’s blessing
    Memory lapse x3
    Merfolk raiders
    Merfolk seer x 6
    Mind bend x 2
    Mind harness
    Mire shade
    Mist dragon
    Moss diamond x 2
    Mountain valley x2
    Mtenda griffin
    Mtenda herder
    Mtenda lion
    Neetletooth djinn
    Noble elephant x 3
    Nocturnal raid
    Patagia golem
    Pauper’s cage
    Phyrexian vault x2
    Prismatic colors x4
    Pyric salamander
    Radiant essence x2
    Raging spirit x2
    Rampant growth
    Ray of command x2
    Reign of chaos
    Restless dead
    Ritual of steel x2
    Rock basilisk
    Rocky tar pit
    Sabertooth cobra
    Sandstorm x3
    Sapphire charm x2
    Sealed fate
    Searing spear askari
    Sea scryer x2
    Serene heart
    Sewer rats x4
    Shadowbane x2
    Shadow guildmage
    Shaper guildmage x2
    Skulking ghost x3
    Soul rend x2
    Soulshriek x3
    Spectral guardian
    Spitting earth x5
    Stalking tiger
    Stone rain
    Tainted specter
    Talruum minotaur
    Teferi’s curse x2
    Telim tor’s edict
    Teremko griffin x3
    Tranquil domain x4
    Unerring sling x2
    Uktabi faerie x3
    Unseen walker
    unyaro griffin
    urborg panther
    Viashno warrior
    Village elder x3
    Volcanic geyser x3
    Waiting in the woods *card bent/wrinkled
    Wall of corpses
    Wall of resistance x3
    Wall of roots x3
    Ward of light x6
    Wild elephant x2
    Wildfire emissary
    Windreaper falcon
    Wordly tutor x2
    Zebra unicorn x2
    Zhalfirin knight x2
    Total cards = 290

    Addle x 2
    Aether Rift
    Aggressive urge x 2
    Agonizing Demise x 2
    Alloy Golem
    Ancient Kavu x 5
    Ancient Spring x 4
    Andradite Leech
    Angelic Shield
    Ardent Soldier x 2
    Armadillo cloak x 2
    Aura Shards
    Assault and Battery (double card)
    Barrin’s Unmaking
    Benalish Emissary x 2
    Benalish heralds
    Benalish lancer x 3
    Benalish trapper x 3
    Blinding Light
    Bog initiate x 5
    Canopy Surge
    Capashen Unicorn x 4
    Cauldron dance x 3
    Chaotic Strike
    Charging Troll
    Chromatic Sphere
    Coastal Tower
    Collapsing Borders (Holographic)
    Collapsing Borders
    Crimson Acolyte x 3
    Crosis’s Attendant
    Crown of Flames x5
    Crypt Angel
    Cursed Flesh x 2
    Dismantling blow x 7
    Distorting Wake
    Dream Thrush x 5
    Duskwalker x5
    Elfhame Palace
    Empress Galina
    Essence Leak
    Explosive Growth x 2
    Exotic Curse x 2
    Fact or Fiction
    Faerie Squadron
    Fertile Growth
    Firebrand Ranger x2
    Firescreamer x2
    Frenzied Tilling x 5
    Galina’s Knight x 2
    Geothermal Crevice x 2
    Glimmering Angel x 5
    Global Ruin
    Goham Djinn
    Halam Djinn x2
    Hanna, Ship’s navigator
    Harrow x 3
    Heroes’ Reunion
    Horned Cheetah
    Holy Day x 4
    Hooded Kavu x 3
    Hunting Kavu
    Hypnotic Cloud x 5
    Irrigation ditch x 2
    Kavu Aggressor x 3
    Kavu Climber
    Kavu Monarch
    Kavu Scout x 4
    Kavu Titan x 2
    Keldon Necropolis
    Lightning Dart
    Llanowar Cavalry x 5
    Llanowar Elite
    Llanowar Knight x 2
    Llanowar Vanguard x 2
    Loafing Giant
    Lotus Guardian
    Maniacal Rage x 3
    Metathran Zombie x 4
    Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer
    Mourning x4
    Nightscape Apprentice x 2
    Nomadic elf
    Obsidian Acolyte x 3
    Orim’s Touch x 3
    Overload x 3
    Phyrexian Battleflies x 6
    Phyrexian Infiltrator
    Phyrexian Lens
    Phyrexian Reaper x 3
    Phyrexian Slayer x 4
    Pincer Spider
    Plague Spores x 4
    Pouncing Kavu x3
    Power Armor
    Prison Barricade x 4
    Probe x 2
    Protective Sphere
    Pulse of Llanowar x3
    Pyre Zombie
    Quirion Elves x 5
    Quirion Sentinel x 2
    Quirion Trailblazer x 7
    Rage Weaver x 2
    Rainbow Crow (Holographic)
    Rainbow Crow
    Rampant Elephant
    Ravenous Rats x 3
    Razorfoot Griffin x3
    Reckless Sprite
    Recoil x 2
    Recover x5
    Repulse x 4
    Restrain x 2
    Reviving Dose x 5
    Reviving Vapors
    Rewards of Diversity 32
    Riptide Crab x2
    Rith’s Attendant x 2
    Rogue Kavu
    Rooting Kavu x3
    Ruham Djinn
    Samite Archer
    Savage Offensive x2
    Scarred Puma x 3
    Scavanged Weaponry x 3
    Scorching Lava x 5
    Scouting Trek
    Searing Rays
    Serpentine Kavu x 2
    Shackles x 4
    Shimmering Wings x 3
    Shivan Harvest
    Shivan Zombie x3
    Shoreline Raider x 2
    Sky Weaver x 2
    Sleeper’s Robe
    Slimy Kavu x 7
    Slinking Serpent
    Smoldering Tar
    Soul Burn x4
    Soul Burn (Holographic)
    Sparring Golem x2
    Spirit of Resistance
    Spirit Weaver x2
    Stalking Assassin
    Stand or Fall
    Sterling Grove
    Stormscape Apprentice x6
    Stormscape Master x2
    Stun x 3
    Strength of Unity x 3
    Sulam Djinn
    Sulfur Vent x 3
    Sunscape Apprentice x 3
    Tainted well x 2
    Telferi’s Care
    Thornscape Apprentice x 6
    Tidal Visionary
    Tigereye Cameo
    Tinder farm x 4
    Tolarian Emissary
    Tower Drake x3
    Tranquility x 3 23
    Traveler’s Cloak x2
    Trench Wurm
    Tribal Flames x4
    Turf Wound
    Urborg Drake x2
    Urborg Phantom
    Urborg Shambler
    Urborg Skeleton x2
    Verdeloth the Ancient
    Verduran Emissary
    Viashino Grappler x 3
    Vicious Kavu
    Vigorous Charge x3
    Vodalian Merchant x 3
    Vodalian Serpent x 4
    Vodalian Zombie x 4
    Voracious Cobra x 2
    Wandering Stream x 3
    Wax and Wane
    Whip Silk x6
    Wings of Hope x 3
    Worldly Counsel
    Yavimaya Barbarian x3
    Yavimaya Kavu x2
    TOTAL: 425

    Mercadian Masques
    Ancestral Mask
    Bog Witch
    Cateran Brute
    Cateran Enforcer
    Ceremonial Guard
    Cho-Manno’s Blessing
    Cloud Sprite
    Crooked Scales
    Customs Depot (Holographic)
    Darting Merfolk
    Deepwood ghoul
    Energy Flux
    Gerrard’s Irregulars
    Henge of Guardian
    Henge of Ramos
    Hickory Woodlot 19
    Highway robber
    Horned troll x2
    Howling wolf
    Jhovall rider
    Lightning hounds
    Misshapen fiend
    Orim’s cure
    Puffer Extract
    Ramosian Sergeant
    Remote farm x2
    Reverent Mantra
    Righteous Aura (holographic)
    Rishadan Pawnshop
    Rushwood Dryad
    Saprazzan Raider
    Shock Troops
    Silverglade Elemental
    Skulking Fugitive x2
    Soothing Balm
    Steadfash Guard
    Thermal Glider
    Tidal Bore
    Venomous Breath
    Venomous Dragonfly
    Vine Trellis
    Wall of Distortion
    TOTAL 53

    Agent of Shauku x 4
    Alexi’s Cloak
    Avatar of Fury
    Avatar of woe X3
    Barbed Field x 2
    Bog glider x 2
    Branded Brawlers x5
    Calming Verse x4
    Chimeric idol x2
    Chimeric idol (holographic)
    Citadel of Pain x3
    Coastal hornclaw x2
    Coffin puppets
    Death Charmer
    Despoil x6
    Devastate x6 44
    Diving Griffin x6
    Elephant Resurgance
    Excise x4
    Fault Ridersx5
    Fen Stalker x4
    Flameshot x2
    Flay x5
    Glittering lynx x8
    Greel, Mind raker
    Greel’s Caress x4
    Gulf Squid x5
    Hazy homunculus x4
    Heightened awareness
    Inflame x5
    Jolrael, Empress of Beasts
    Jolrael’s Favor x 3
    Keldon Arsonist
    Keldon Battlewagon
    Keldon Berserker x 7
    Latulla’s Orders x 2
    Living Terrain
    Mageta the Lion
    Mageta’s Boon x5
    Marsh Boa x2
    Marsh Boa (holographic)
    Nakaya Shade
    Noxious Field x 4
    Outbreak x 2
    Panic Attack x 2
    Pit Raptor
    Plague Fiend x4
    Pygmy Razorback x5
    Quicksilver wall x3
    Rethink x3
    Reveille Squad x2
    Rhystic Circle x8
    Rhystic Deluge x6
    Rhystic Lightning
    Rhystic Scrying
    Rhystic shield x2
    Rhystic study x5
    Rhystic siphon x2
    Rhystic Tutor
    Ribbon snake
    Ribcage spider x7
    Ridgeline rager (holographic)
    Ridgeline rager x6
    Root cage x2 Count 196
    Scoria Cat x5
    Search for Survivors
    Shield Dancer x2
    Silt Crawler x6
    Soul Charmer x3
    Soul Strings x3
    Spiketail Drake
    Spiketail Hatchling x5
    Spitting Spider
    Spore Frog x2
    Spur Grappler x6
    Steal Strength x2
    Stormwatch Eagle x2
    Sunken field
    Sword Dancer
    Thresher Beast x3
    Thrive x2
    Trenching Steed x2
    Troubled Healer x2
    Verdant Field
    Vintara Elephant x 5
    Vintara Snapper x 2
    Vitalizing Wind x2
    Wall of Vipers
    Well of Discovery
    Whipstitched Zombie x6
    Wild Magic x3
    Wing Storm x3
    Wintermoon Mesa
    Zerapa Minotaur x4
    Total 277

    Sixth Edition
    Air Elemental
    Anaba Bodyguard
    Anaba Shaman x2
    Ardent Militia
    Blood Pet
    Bog Imp
    Boomerang x2
    Call of the Wild
    Cat Warriors
    Circle of Protection Green
    Circle of Protection White
    Creeping Mold
    D’Avenant Archer x2
    Drudge Skeletons x4
    Ekundo Griffin
    Ethereal Champion
    Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore
    Fit of Rage x2
    Flame Spirit x2
    Flight x2
    Gaseous Form
    Giant Growth x4
    Giant Spider
    Giant Strength
    Goblin Hero
    Healing Salve x2
    Hero’s Resolve x2
    Grinning Totem
    Hidden Horror
    Horned Turtle
    Hulking Cyclops
    Jade Monolith
    Lightning Blast
    Light of Day
    Llanowar Elves x 2
    Lost Soul
    Mana Prism
    Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
    Mischievous Poltergeist
    Mystic Compass
    Obsianus Golem x3
    Orchish Oriflamme
    Panther Warriors x2
    Psychic Venom
    Pyrotechnics x2
    Python count
    Rampant growth x2
    Razortooth rats
    Rod of Ruin x2
    Sabretooth Tiger
    Samite Healer X2
    Scaled Wurm
    Scathe Zombies x 3
    Sea Monster
    Shanodin Dryads
    Shock x3
    Sibilant Spirit
    Soul Net
    Spell blast
    Spitting Earth
    Storm Crow x2
    Svyelunite Temple
    Syphon Soul
    Talruum Minotaur
    Trained Armoden x2
    Venerable Monk x3
    Wall of Fire
    Warrior’s Honor
    Wild Growth
    Wind Drakex2
    Worldly Tutor
    Total 121

    Homelands (many of cards in this set have minor damage; this is not typical of my collection!)
    Abbey Matron
    Aliban’s Tower
    Ambush Party
    Anaba Bodyguard x 2 (one card has some bends the other some edge wear)
    Anaba Spirit Crafter (edge wear and a scuff on the front of the card)
    An-havva Inn x 2 (both have edge wear)
    An-havva Township
    Aysen Bureaucrats
    Carapace (edge wear)
    Cemetery Gate (bottom corner wear)
    Chandler (bottom corner wear)
    Clockwork gnomes
    Coral Reef (edge wear)
    Daughter of Autumn (edge wear)
    Dry spell (edge wear and slight bend)
    Feast of the unicorn (edge wear and slight bend)
    Funeral March
    Irini Sengir
    Joven’s Tools ( three corners worn)
    Labyrinth Minotaur x 2 (bottom corners worn)
    Memory lapse (bottom corners worn, slight bend)
    Samite Alchemist x2 (corners worn)
    Shrink (bottom corner worn)
    Torture x2 version 1 (bottom corner worn)
    Torture version 2 (corners worn)
    Willow Faerie (very noticeable bend, possible water damage)
    Wizard’s School (very noticeable bend in middle of card)
    Total: 33
    Arena of the Ancients
    Azure Drake
    Blood of the Martyr
    Bog rats x 2
    Boomerang x 3
    Bronze Horse
    City of Brass
    Cuombajj Witches
    Emerald Dragonfly
    Enchantment Alteration
    Feldon’s Cane
    Flash Flood
    Fire Drake x 2
    Fountain of Youth
    Ghazban Ogre
    Goblin Digging Team
    Goblin Shrine x2
    Hasran Ogress
    Indestructible Aura
    Ivory Guardians x2
    Kei Takahashi
    Living Armor
    Mountain Yeti x2
    Repentant Blacksmith
    Scavenger Folk x2
    Shield Wall
    Sivitri Scarzam
    War Elephant
    Urza’s Mine
    Urza’s Powerplant
    Urza’s Tower x 2
    Wall of Wonder
    Total 44

    Apes of Rath
    Broken Fall
    Circle of Protection Blue
    Clot Sliver x4
    Cloudscape Eagle
    Counterspell x2
    Crown of Flames
    Dauthi Horror
    Dauthi Marauder x 4
    Dauthi Mercenary
    Diabolical Edict x2
    Dream Cache x2
    Elvish Fury
    Elven Warhounds
    Ertai’s Meddling
    Escaped Shapeshifter
    Essence Bottle
    Evincar’s Justice
    Fevered Convulsions
    Frog Tongue
    Light of Day
    Lowland Giant
    Manta Riders
    Marble Titan
    Master Decoy x3
    Metallic Sliver x4
    Mindwhip Sliver
    Mnemonic Sliver x3
    Mogg Raider
    Muscle Sliver x4
    Needle Storm
    Overrun x2
    Pacifism x 3
    Pincher Beetles x3
    Power Sink x2
    Ranger en-vec x2
    Rootwalla x3
    Rootwater depths
    Seeker of Skybreak
    Skyshround Condor
    Skyshroud Elf x4
    Skyshroud Troll
    Soltari Crusader
    Soltari Trooper x2
    Squee’s Toy
    Stalking Stones
    Suddent Impact
    Thalakos Sentry
    Trained Armodon x3
    Vec Townships x2
    Whispers of the Muse
    Winged Sliver x4
    Total 102

    Anaconda x2 (one has edge wear)
    Armored Pegasus
    Baleful Stare
    Blaze (poor condition, image on card very damaged)
    Bull hippo
    Charging Rhino
    Cloak of Feathers x2
    Cloud Pirates
    Coral Eel
    Craven Knight
    Deep-sea Serpent
    Deep Wood
    Defiant Stand x2 (one has a damaged corner)
    Devoted hero x2
    Elite Cat Warriors
    Elven Cache
    Elvish Ranger
    Feral Shadow x2
    Fire Imp
    Fire Snake x2
    Fleet-footed monk x2
    Giant Spider x2
    Gorilla Warrior x2
    Grizzly Bears
    Hand of Death x2
    Hill giant x2
    Hulking Goblin
    Ingenious Thief
    Lava Axe x2
    Lizard Warrior
    Mind rot
    Minotaur Warriors 45
    Monstrous Growth x2
    Moon Sprite
    Muck Rats
    Panther Warriors x2
    Raging Cougar (has puncture in middle of card that almost goes through the card)
    Raging Goblin
    Regal Unicorn
    Rowan Treefolk x2
    Scorching Spear
    Skeletal Crocodile x2
    Skeletal Snake
    Snapping Drake
    Spined Wurm
    Spotted Griffin x2 (one card in poor condition, worn edge and very damaged back of card)
    Stone Rain x2
    Storm Crow x2
    Tidal Surge
    Time Ebb x3
    Untamed Wilds
    Valorous Charge
    Vampiric Feast
    Vampiric Touch x2
    Volcanic hammer x2
    Venerable monk
    Warrior’s Chargex3
    Wicked Pact
    Winter’s Grasp
    Total: 89

    Aesthir Glider
    Agent of Stromglad x 2 (one is scruffed and bent)
    Balduvian War-makers
    Bestial Fury
    Deadly Insect
    Elvish Ranger
    Enslaved scout x2
    Fevered Strength
    Fyndhorn Druid
    Gift of the Woods ver1
    Gift of the Woods ver2
    Gorilla Berserkers
    Gorilla Chieftain
    Gorilla War Cry
    Guerrilla Tactics
    Kjeldoran Escort
    Kjeldoran Pride
    Lat-Nam’s Legacy (worn corners)
    Phyrexian War Beast
    Soldevi Sentry
    Soldevi Steam Beast
    Storm Shaman
    Surge of Strength
    Swamp Mosquito
    Varchild’s Crusader
    Varchilde’s War-riders
    Wild Aesthir
    Total: 31

    Abyssal Gatekeeper
    Apathy x2
    Ardent Militia
    Barrow Ghoul
    Benalish Infantry
    Benalish Missionary x2
    Boiling Blood x2
    Bloodrock Cyclops
    Blossoming Wreath
    Briar Shield
    Choking Vines x2
    Cinder wall
    Coils of Medusa
    Desperate Gambit
    Dingus Staff
    Duskrider Falcon
    Dwarven Berserker x2
    Ertai’s Familiar
    Familiar Ground
    Fit of Rage
    Fledgling Djinn
    Fog Elemental x2
    Goblin Vandal x3
    Guided Strike x2
    Haunting misery
    Hurloon shaman x2
    Jabari’s Banner
    Jangling automaton x2 41
    Kithkin armor
    Llanowar behemoth x2
    Llanowar Sentinel x2
    Mana Chains x2
    Master of Arms
    Merfolk Traders
    Mind stone
    Mischievous poltergeist
    Nature’s kiss
    Null rod
    Ophidian x2
    Paradigm shift
    Razortooth rats
    Rogue elephant
    Sawtooth ogre x2
    Shattered Crypt
    Soul shepherd
    Spinning darkness x3
    Strands of night
    Thran Forge
    Timid Drake
    Uktabi Efreet
    Zombie Scavengers
    Total 72

    Seventh edition
    Canopy spider
    Circle of Protection red
    Eager cadet
    Elder Druid
    Final fortune
    Fyndhorn elder
    Giant cockroach
    Giant growth
    Giant octopus
    Goblin chariot
    Goblin digging team
    Goblin gardener
    Goblin raider
    Gorilla Chieftain
    Hill giant
    Knight errant
    Lightning blast
    Mana breach
    Memory lapse
    Moss diamond
    Orchish artillery
    Sacred nectar
    Samite healer
    Sea monster
    Shield wall
    Total: 38

    Bog Gnarr
    Coalition Flag
    Coastal drake
    Dwarven landslide
    Jaded response
    Kavu glider
    Order and chaos (double card)
    Quagmire druid
    Savage gorilla
    Shield of duty and reason
    Squee’s embrace
    Unnatural selection
    Total: 14

    Alpha Kavu
    Amphibious Kavu
    Arctic merfolk
    Aura blast x3
    Aurora griffin x2
    Caldera kavu
    Cavern harpy x3
    Cloud cover
    Confound x3
    Crosis’s charm
    Darigaaz’s Caldera x2
    Darigaaz’s charm x2
    Daring leap x3
    Death bomb
    Disciple of kangee
    Dralnu’s pet
    Dromar’s charm
    Ertai’s trickery (holographic)
    Escape routes x3
    Falling timber
    Flametongue kavu
    Fleetfoot panther
    Forsaken city
    Gaea’s herald
    Gaea’s might x2
    Gerrard’s command x2
    Guard dogs
    Heroic defiance x3
    Hobble x3
    Honorable scout x2
    Horned kavu
    Hull breach
    Hunting drake x3
    Kava recluse
    Keldon twilight 59
    Lava zombie x2
    Maggot carrier x3
    Magma burst
    Malicious advice x4
    Mire kavu x4
    Mogg jailer
    Morgue toad
    Nightscape battlemage
    Nightscape familiar x2
    Noxious vapors
    Phyrexian bloodstock x4
    Planeswalker’s mischief
    Planewalker’s scorn
    Pollen remedy x2
    Primal growth
    Pygmy kavu
    Questing phelddargrif
    Quirion dryad
    Quirion explorer x2
    Rith’s grove
    Rushing river x3
    Samite elder x2
    Smite pilgrim x5 105
    Sawtooth loon (holographic)
    Sawtooth loon
    Shriek of dread x2
    Silver drake
    Singe x2
    Sinister strength x2
    Sisay’s ingenuity x2
    Skyshroud blessing x2
    Slay x2
    Sleeping potion x3
    Slingshot goblin x2
    Steel leaf paladin x2
    Stone kavu x2
    Stormscape battlemage
    Stormscape familiar x3
    Sunscape familiar x2
    Surprise deployment
    Thornscape battlemage
    Thornscape familiar x3
    Thunderscape familiar
    Volcano imp
    Warped devotion
    Total: 144

    Air bladder x2
    Ancient hydra
    Angelic favor
    Avenger en-dal x2
    Battlefield percher
    Belbe’s percher x3
    Blastoderm x3
    Bola warrior
    Carrion wall
    Chieftain en-dal
    Cloudskate x2
    Dark triumph
    Daze x3
    Defender en-vec x3
    Defiant flacon x2
    Defiant vanguard x2
    Dominate x2
    Downhill charge x3
    Fanatical devotion
    Flame rift x2
    Flowstone crusher x2
    Flowstone overseer
    Flowstone strike
    Flowstone thopter
    Flowstone wall x2
    Fog patch x3
    Harvest mage x4
    Jolting merfolk
    Laccolith grunt x5
    Laccolith rig x4
    Laccolith titan
    Laccolith warrior
    Laccolith whelp
    Lashknife x2
    Lightbringer x3
    Mind slash
    Mind swords x4
    Mogg alarm
    Mogg toady x2
    Moss dog x2
    Nesting wurm x2
    Netter en-dal x3
    Noble stand x2
    Offbalance x4
    Parallax dementia
    Parallax inhibitor
    Parallax wave
    Phyrexian driver x4
    Plague witch
    Plague witch (holographic)
    Rath’s edge
    Rathi fiend
    Rathi intimidator x2
    Rejuvenation chamber
    Reverent silence
    Rhox (holographic) x3
    rising waters
    rootwater commando x3
    rusting golem
    saproling cluster
    seal of cleansing x2
    seal of doom
    seal of fire x3
    seal of removal x3
    seal of strength x3
    silkenfist fighter
    sivvi’s ruse
    skyshroud cutter
    skyshroud poacher
    skyshroud ridgeback
    skyshroud sentinel x3
    sneaky homunculus x4
    spineless thug x3
    spiritual asylum
    spiteful bully
    stampede driver
    stronghold biologist
    stronghold discipline x2
    treetop bracers x2
    trickster mage
    viseling x2
    vicious hunger x3
    wandering eye x3
    Total 164

    Fallen Empires
    Armor thrull x2
    Basal thrull
    Delif’s cone(edge wear)
    Dwarven Lieutenant
    Dwarven ruins
    Dwarven solider
    Elven fortress (edge wear)
    Elvish scout
    Elvish farmer (edge wear)
    Farrel’s Zealot
    Feral Thallid x 2 (edge wear)
    Goblin Chirugeon x 2
    Goblin Grenade
    Goblin war drums x2
    Hand of justice (corners a little worn)
    Havenwood battleground (heavy edge wear)
    Homarid warrior x2
    Hymn to Tourach
    Icatian moneychanger
    Icatian scout x2
    Mindstab thrull
    Night soil x2
    Orcish spy
    Order of the ebon hand x2
    Ruins of trokair
    Thallid devourer x2
    Thelonite druid x2
    Thelon’s curse (edge wear)
    Thorn thallid x3
    Thrull wizard
    Vodalian mage x3
    Vodalian soliders x2
    Total: 49

    Abandoned Outpost
    Aven windreader
    Blazing salvo
    Crypt keeper
    Kamahl’s desire
    Laquatus’s creativity
    Moment’s peace
    Morbid hunger
    Reckless charge
    Simplify (holographic)
    Tattoo ward
    Unifying theory
    Total: 15

    Amora kithkin (worn edges)
    Anti-magic aura (scuffed)
    Cat warriors(edge wear, scuffed)
    Indestructible aura
    Pit scorpion (corners worn)
    Sylvan Paradise
    Total: 6

    Battering ram(worn edges and bent)
    Total 1

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