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  • #637265

    Fiends, all of them

    (you too Ski- trying to get up in my hood and lay a smack down by callin’ me dirty names- it’s on girl-friend, it’s ON!) j/k 😀


      CherylKaufman wrote:

      Fiends, all of them

      (you too Ski- trying to get up in my hood and lay a smack down by callin’ me dirty names- it’s on girl-friend, it’s ON!) j/k 😀

      what channel is it on…I wanna watch…


        My money is on Ski!!!


        Dragon Master wrote:

        My money is on Ski!!!

        I’m a helluva a lot bigger than her- I bet on me…unless I want to make a lot of money and bet on Ski then let her win…wait, did I say that out loud?


          😆 😆 😆


            I recently had sort of this discussion with a couple of teachers. They were telling the group about how they explore other societies and ethnic groups with the children, getting their customs and rituals and sharing with the classes. Each week, they would work on a different culture. But they aren’t allowed to share anything about the Caucasian studies because it might offend some of the students. When did being Caucasian suddenly become evil? Every society in the world has done attrocious things in the past but to single out one group is seriously wrong. I’m not Caucasian but I like knowing the history behind rituals and customs.

            Then there was the big bruhha last year when a judge at our City Hall decided that they weren’t allowed to put up Christmas trees because it might offend Non-Christians. I’m getting tired of all this political correctness…especially when it does away with an entire culture.


              Yeah, they wanted them called “holiday trees”, not Christmas trees! 🙄


                CherylKaufman wrote:

                Dragon Master wrote:

                My money is on Ski!!!

                I’m a helluva a lot bigger than her- I bet on me…unless I want to make a lot of money and bet on Ski then let her win…wait, did I say that out loud?
                But Ski has Army training behind her and if she is smaller then she will be faster young grasshoppa


                Oooooh DM you may be right- we’ll just have to have our throw-down in Hawaii and see who comes out the victor! Loser loses a Windstone!


                  CherylKaufman wrote:

                  Oooooh DM you may be right- we’ll just have to have our throw-down in Hawaii and see who comes out the victor! Loser loses a Windstone!

                  hmm I’ll go to Hawaii too….and while you guys are pretending to fight….I’m gonna go sight seeing…LOL


                  Jasmine wrote:

                  I recently had sort of this discussion with a couple of teachers. They were telling the group about how they explore other societies and ethnic groups with the children, getting their customs and rituals and sharing with the classes. Each week, they would work on a different culture. But they aren’t allowed to share anything about the Caucasian studies because it might offend some of the students. When did being Caucasian suddenly become evil? Every society in the world has done attrocious things in the past but to single out one group is seriously wrong. I’m not Caucasian but I like knowing the history behind rituals and customs.

                  Then there was the big bruhha last year when a judge at our City Hall decided that they weren’t allowed to put up Christmas trees because it might offend Non-Christians. I’m getting tired of all this political correctness…especially when it does away with an entire culture.

                  I completely agree! I wonder when people will start taking a stand. I know some have, but they seem to get shot down eventually.


                    eaglefeather831 wrote:

                    I completely agree! I wonder when people will start taking a stand. I know some have, but they seem to get shot down eventually.

                    The problem with the protests are that they’re being done only by Caucasians so it ends up looking like a White Supremacist’s March…


                    I’m not convinced. The story I read said nothing about mistaking the traditional Ho! Ho! Ho! for, what? Three ladies of the street? I think some fool added that to make it a viral story.

                    According to this report, the problem is merely that “Ho! Ho! Ho!”, when bellowed in the traditional jolly manner, scares the crap out of little kids.

                    As a former little kid, I can testify that having some red-faced bearded old geezer randomly yell at you as you walk into a department store is nightmare-producing stuff. And those darned Santas are almost as bad.


                      hmmm that’s true….

                      and that bell….I hate that freaking bell….


                        travistie wrote:

                        Yeah, they wanted them called “holiday trees”, not Christmas trees! 🙄

                        They could always be called Yule Trees. That’s what they were originally called. 🙂

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