WTB Russet Curled Flame…

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    I heard about that too :/ yeah, the none of the places we went to had over 10.

    And that’s a filthy trick to play on someone! I’d be mad, too. I don’t blame her.


    Saydee72 wrote:

    Thats horrible. But I can sympathiz about wanting one…I must have called 30 places this morning looking for a Wii but they are all sold out 🙁 Must have zelda! MUST SAVE THE PRINCESS.

    me too Saydee me too, and the mario universe, oh man I want on soooo bad, but I missed the pre sell, so I will have to wait until january like i had to with the gamecube

    one thing that bugs me is this:
    Why did sony rip off the Spiderman font for the PS3?


      There’s at least a couple of Wiis on ebay just now, and they’re not going as ridiculously high as the PS3s are. Perhaps worth looking into?


      I know but i would rather just wait until Jan that way i can go in and pick it up in person, besides I only use the card for the windstone addiction 😉 .


      ruffian wrote:

      one thing that bugs me is this:
      Why did sony rip off the Spiderman font for the PS3?

      I’ve been wondering that for months 😆


        C’mon guys, on topic in the market… someone has two of these and is feeling guilty about it… poke .. poke… cry .. beg .. plead..

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