
WTB Russet Curled Flame…

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        NO LOVIN’ FOR US!! (I didn’t get one either)


        CherylKaufman wrote:

        NO LOVIN’ FOR US!! (I didn’t get one either)

        You too? I wonder if there will be another batch soon?


        I wanted one too 🙁 I got stuck outside a Circuit City with my beloved fiancee in 30 degree weather til 8am for a PS3 instead…:cry:


        Quill wrote:

        I wanted one too 🙁 I got stuck outside a Circuit City with my beloved fiancee in 30 degree weather til 8am for a PS3 instead…:cry:

        Now THAT….my friends….is LOVE.


          CherylKaufman wrote:

          Quill wrote:

          I wanted one too 🙁 I got stuck outside a Circuit City with my beloved fiancee in 30 degree weather til 8am for a PS3 instead…:cry:

          Now THAT….my friends….is LOVE.

          yeah…..be we all know love is based in insanity….sooo… 😈 😈


            TILL 8am? From what time? Yes, that is not only love, but devotion! Loyalty!


              Mrrrr… I didn’t get one either…. 😥

              Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
              Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
              Website: courtneymooreauthor.com


              A story about the PS3 – a friend’s husband is a big game player and really wanted the PS3 but they had a huge fight about it, she said because of money it wasnt a good time to buy one. So he text messages her that he bought one on ebay and then sends a second message that it was $1200! She flips out and was in tears (they’ve been having problems anyway). Finally hours later when she gets home he tells her it was a joke and he hadn’t really bought one! She is sooooooo mad at him! At least he didn’t spend the money….


                ddvm wrote:

                A story about the PS3 – a friend’s husband is a big game player and really wanted the PS3 but they had a huge fight about it, she said because of money it wasnt a good time to buy one. So he text messages her that he bought one on ebay and then sends a second message that it was $1200! She flips out and was in tears (they’ve been having problems anyway). Finally hours later when she gets home he tells her it was a joke and he hadn’t really bought one! She is sooooooo mad at him! At least he didn’t spend the money….

                Thats cruel! A man of mine tried that. Said he bought a $500 bowling ball. We didnt share finances, so I didnt care. His silly joke back fired.


                ddvm wrote:

                A story about the PS3 – a friend’s husband is a big game player and really wanted the PS3 but they had a huge fight about it, she said because of money it wasnt a good time to buy one. So he text messages her that he bought one on ebay and then sends a second message that it was $1200! She flips out and was in tears (they’ve been having problems anyway). Finally hours later when she gets home he tells her it was a joke and he hadn’t really bought one! She is sooooooo mad at him! At least he didn’t spend the money….

                That’s really mean. That guy sounds pretty immature…among other things…


                Thats horrible. But I can sympathiz about wanting one…I must have called 30 places this morning looking for a Wii but they are all sold out 🙁 Must have zelda! MUST SAVE THE PRINCESS.


                CherylKaufman wrote:

                Quill wrote:

                I wanted one too 🙁 I got stuck outside a Circuit City with my beloved fiancee in 30 degree weather til 8am for a PS3 instead…:cry:

                Now THAT….my friends….is LOVE.

                … and he didn’t even GET one. 🙄


                That stinks but at least he didn’t get shot. There was a story on the news about some guy trying to rob people standing on line figuring they had a lot of cash on them to pay for the PS3s and somebody got shot. It sounds like most stores didn’t get anywhere the number of units they were expecting.

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