WTB PYO unicorn

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      Recently, I have started to look for for someone to commission a PYO unicorn. I realize this will be difficult because there are no new blanks available in the shop yet. Although I would love a commissioned piece, I would also love to see any that have already been painted that someone is willing to sell. I love grays of any kind like dappled or silver and with blue eyes. I looked around and can’t even seem to find finished peices in this scheme in gallery pictures. Also, any dark ones that resemble a sun bleached black horse with brown eyes, or solid black with no markings like socks and such,
      If someone has a blank and would like to do a dapple, please let me know! If someone has a painted one and wants to sell, I may be interested in those as well. The colors I listed are ones I want the most but might not find but would be interested in seeing anything at this point. Thanks so much!


        Arlla is selling a dapple grey PYO uni done by Jessica Fry for $100 in her sales thread


          Thanks. I already pm’d her and am waiting for a reply. Still looking for others though, especially one with blue eyes. Thanks again!


            I’m not sure how big your budjet is for PYO unicorns, but I have a blank lavender eyed and a brown eyed unicorn that are up in the air in terms of planned painting for them. My rates start at $190 plus shipping. I’m interested in the sun bleached black if this is what you had in mind http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/103/2/3/Basting_in_the_Sun_by_LandOfStandardbreds.jpg

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