WTB or Trade For Pooka Stray Cat Edition Flap Cat

Home Forums Administration Flea Market WTB or Trade For Pooka Stray Cat Edition Flap Cat

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  • #503379

      I tried to get her . I was out bid by 5.00 and was broken hearted to lose her . ( a friend tried to win her for me I’m not on ebay nor have paypal ). So if the one who won her doesn’t want her let me know please . I will give her a good home and I have a Flap Cat I can trade her for . A green eyed one . PM me and we can talk . Ok .
      I love her blue eyes and her name . It’s one of my faverite legends in Celtic folklore .

      Please let me know ok .


      I won Pooka. I don’t think you were outbid by $5.. that’s just how eBay increases the bids. I don’t know the details off the top of my head, I know others are much better at explaining how that works. My max bid was waaaaaay higher than what the final price was.

      Pooka has not arrived yet. If, on the rare occasion, that the piece doesn’t look as good as it does in the pics, I will let you know and we can work something out. But, I am very much in love with her photos.. so we will see…


        I won’t bug you about it . I know that happens . Buyers regret happens . Things get crazy bidding on things . A bit nuts at times . I guess thats why I don’t like it much . Bidding wars that is .
        I would love to have her . It would mean alot to me .
        Promise to give you equal to what you payed .

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