WTB New Grab Bag Baby Uni, Red Panda Flapcat and siamese griffin chick

Home Forums Administration Flea Market WTB New Grab Bag Baby Uni, Red Panda Flapcat and siamese griffin chick

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    * New Grab Bag Baby Unicorn
    Ok, they are not even in store yet, but there is one I really, REALLY want:

    Third row from the top, the little one with the stripes.
    I hope until they arrive I will have something to trade for or maybe someone would be willing to sell? I would even pay a bit more than storeprice for this one!

    Also I´m still very much looking for:

    * Red Panda Flapcat!
    I know this is a really long shot, but I wanted to try anyway. Maybe there is still someone here who was lucky enough to get one but doesn´t want her anymore.

    * Siamese with white crouching griffin chick (http://www.windstoneeditions.com/products/crouching-griffin-chick-siamese-white).

    * Black Baby Unicorn

    If anyone wants to sell, please let me know!

    You would have to ship to Germany.
    I can pay you immediately with paypal.


    bump 🙂


    Added a grab bag baby, see first post 🙂

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