* New Grab Bag Baby Unicorn
Ok, they are not even in store yet, but there is one I really, REALLY want:

Third row from the top, the little one with the stripes.
I hope until they arrive I will have something to trade for or maybe someone would be willing to sell? I would even pay a bit more than storeprice for this one!
Also I´m still very much looking for:
* Red Panda Flapcat!
I know this is a really long shot, but I wanted to try anyway. Maybe there is still someone here who was lucky enough to get one but doesn´t want her anymore.
* Siamese with white crouching griffin chick (http://www.windstoneeditions.com/products/crouching-griffin-chick-siamese-white).
* Black Baby Unicorn
If anyone wants to sell, please let me know!
You would have to ship to Germany.
I can pay you immediately with paypal.