Wow! Olimpia 's Red Gold Secret Keeper

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      I think it’s crazy what some of these dragons sell for, not because I feel they aren’t worth every penny (they are!), but because someone has to have that much to spend on a decorative piece like that. I come from a family and an area where people just don’t make that much extra money, so $4,000 for a dragon is mind-blowing!

      I’ll likely never be able to afford pieces like the SK up for auction now, but Windstones are amazing things, and they really do seem worth it for those who can get their hands on them. I’m extremely jealous of all such lucky people πŸ˜›

      That’s just my two cents worth…or whatever the exchange rate on two cents is these days πŸ˜†


      Arya wrote:

      $4,000 for a dragon is mind-blowing!

      I agree!

      For $4000 you could also get a top-of-the-line laptop computer or 50″ plasma TV. πŸ™‚


        mimitrek wrote:

        Arya wrote:

        $4,000 for a dragon is mind-blowing!

        Comparatively speaking, $4000 is a lot of money.

        For $4000 you could get a top-of-the-line laptop computer or 50″ plasma TV. πŸ™‚
        but they would not be as pretty as this Dragon!!
        I guess you could broadcast a picture on the TV


        Or you could skip the stupid TV, settle for a simple laptop and still enjoy Melody’s artwork, because the artwork will never get outmoded. πŸ˜›


        Or you could settle for production Windstones, and have a fantastic laptop that would enable you to work more productively and efficiently. πŸ˜›

        To each his own. πŸ™‚


        That too. πŸ˜†


        Dragon Master wrote:

        I guess you could broadcast a picture on the TV

        Since you can hang flat panel TV’s on the wall, some people are actually using the TVs like artwork. In some airports I’ve seen LCD TVs showing very realistic aquarium scenes — from a distance they looked like real aquariums!

        I think it would be great if they could get the TV’s to the point where the resolution was as good as a real painting…you could store all of your favorite paintings in the TV and display whichever one you felt like seeing that day! That would certainly solve the wall space problem… πŸ™‚


          mimitrek wrote:

          I think it would be great if they could get the TV’s to the point where the resolution was as good as a real painting…you could store all of your favorite paintings in the TV and display whichever one you felt like seeing that day! That would certainly solve the wall space problem… πŸ™‚

          Like the wall screen in Back to the Future II!


          That’s right! πŸ˜€ I’d forgotten about that…


            Dragon Master wrote:

            I can understand a SK going for $4K but not an OW at least not in my opinion. I know they are similar and OOAK’s ar wonderful but that is a lot for an OW. I was surprised my 23KT OW did not go that high

            That was back when they first started coming out. No one had any idea how many there were gonna be and the forum was not in existance yet. It was the first time Windstones sold on Ebay, so it was bound to go for alot of money. Now there are more of them, so they are going for less.


              Arya wrote:

              I think it’s crazy what some of these dragons sell for, not because I feel they aren’t worth every penny (they are!), but because someone has to have that much to spend on a decorative piece like that. I come from a family and an area where people just don’t make that much extra money, so $4,000 for a dragon is mind-blowing!

              My mom would slap me if she found out what I spent on these things πŸ˜†


                skigod377 wrote:

                Arya wrote:

                I think it’s crazy what some of these dragons sell for, not because I feel they aren’t worth every penny (they are!), but because someone has to have that much to spend on a decorative piece like that. I come from a family and an area where people just don’t make that much extra money, so $4,000 for a dragon is mind-blowing!

                My mom would slap me if she found out what I spent on these things πŸ˜†

                Can I slap you instead? 😈 I KNOW how much you spend on these things πŸ˜‰


                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Arya wrote:

                  I think it’s crazy what some of these dragons sell for, not because I feel they aren’t worth every penny (they are!), but because someone has to have that much to spend on a decorative piece like that. I come from a family and an area where people just don’t make that much extra money, so $4,000 for a dragon is mind-blowing!

                  My mom would slap me if she found out what I spent on these things πŸ˜†

                  Can I slap you instead? 😈 I KNOW how much you spend on these things πŸ˜‰If you can catch me! *Thbbbt!* And I should point out… you spend even more. (Yes, that was said with envy and awe:)


                    I already slap myself though…..You’re welcome to join in….but I might like it…..LoL


                      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                      I already slap myself though…..You’re welcome to join in….but I might like it…..LoL

                      *Slips on rubber gloves* 😈 πŸ˜‰

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