
Wow! Fantasy Lovers, Look at This!

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    The American Museum of Natural History has this exhibit. I live so far away I probably won’t be able to go to this….but you might live closer!


    This is the Introduction from their web site:

    The world is full of stories about brave heroes, magical events and fantastic beings. For thousands of years, humans everywhere—sometimes inspired by living animals or even fossils—have brought mythic creatures to life in stories, songs and works of art. Today these creatures, from the powerful dragon to the soaring phoenix, continue to thrill, terrify, entertain and inspire us.

    We seem to catch glimpses of these creatures all around us: hiding beneath the ocean waves, running silently through the forest and soaring among the clouds. Some symbolize danger. Others, we think, can bring us luck or joy. Together mythic creatures give shape to humankind’s greatest hopes, fears and most passionate dreams.


    Great post Kaya! It sounds cool, but I don’t think we’ll be making it out there by Jan 🙁


    That sounds like an awesome exhibit. I’d love to go if I could.


    That does sound really neat. I would love to go, but I am on the other side.


      New York is not in my plans. That would be a great exhibit though!


        Oooh…cool! 😀


          I actually saw the exhibit a few weeks ago. It was really cool, not a lot on dragons though. It was mostly about other mythological creatures, such as giant squid, big foot, mermaids, unicorns, pegasus, lots of others. With that many creatures, they couldn’t devote a lot of space to any one of them. 🙂


            Neat! And it will be going to Chicago, Atlanta, Canada and Australia when it closes in New York. Chicago I can afford to visit.

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