Worth $800 eh?

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  • This topic has 19 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Bob.
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    LOL! That so made my night… I think that seller is either nuts or isn’t up with the Windstone times…


    At least they don’t start they bidding there…


      ROFL! I was just about to post about this.


      i saw the listing too. the adult unicorns are not even retired! 😮 😮 😮 (if i am wrong don’t throw anything at me.)

      when has anything sold for that much that wasn’t one of the limited edition larger pieces?


      gryphondreamer wrote:

      i saw the listing too. the adult unicorns are not even retired! 😮 😮 😮 (if i am wrong don’t throw anything at me.)

      when has anything sold for that much that wasn’t one of the limited edition larger pieces?

      It’s always possible with Ebay but I don’t recall seeing something like that offhand.


      so, i contacted the seller about the price. (s)he inisted that (s)he bought them 15 years ago for over $100 a piece! 😯


        Well, with how insane things have been selling on Ebay lately (over $100 for a peacock hatching!), that tactic of listing items as more valuable than they really are might actually work on some of the recent buyers. However, making up random high numbers of worth that aren’t even close to reality isn’t really kosher. Wonder if it will work.


          well if you asked me i got my unicorns i no longer have about 12 years ago and think i paid close to 80-100 a piece so


            I just checked and they’ve come WAY down

            Baby pegasus – $33CDN
            Male unicorn – $60CDN
            Female unicorn – $45CDN

            thats crazy what they wanted. I might pay that (or more if I had it) for a Secret Keeper, but not a unicorn!


              Except that that is the old baby pegasus, without the necklace, that’s a little bit harder to find.


              they didnt have the starting bid that high, they had it listed in the title that they were worth that much, they have since changed it though


                I was wondering since I saw $28, $38 and $48


                  Yea, when I saw the listing it didn’t mention any of those numbers, so I was wondering what the fuss was all about. 😕

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