Worst Birthday…UPDATE!

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      So I was offered a new job today, working with my old nurse practitioner who had left the practice earlier this year. The job is not near what I was making, but better than I was hoping for! So yay!

      And Stopped by my old practice…just a month and it’s already changed so much…everything I loved about it feels gone….like the new owners sucked the joy out of the practice and my old co-workers because they are, indeed, in it for the money rather than the patients…so very sad to see. But I guess in the end, it’s a good thing I was let go, because it hurt so much to see the change and I know I wouldn’t have been happy working there anymore.

      So fingers crossed for me that the new job goes well and I figure out how to juggle the change in pay. 🙂


      Just wanted to complain I suppose. July 16th was my birthday. My whole office got called in for an after work meeting where we had the bomb dropped on us that we had been sold to another company. I world in a medical pain management office as an x-ray tech and have been there for 8 years. It was hard work, and sometimes frustrating, but it really was one of the best places and the best group of people and doctors I have ever worked with. They were like my family. Fast forward to yesterday. All of my co-workers from the docs to the managers to the front desk and nurses are angry and afraid. People are crying and worried. Many of us are the only provider in our households due to layoffs and other reasons…people are threatening to quit. The new company promised no one would lose their jobs, but the past weeks have been lies after lies after lies as they systematically categorized us and found many of dispensable because they are, apparently the sort of people to argue .44 cents on a five thousand dollar item. A relaxed and happy “family” that worked really darned hard to make our patients happy was betrayed, and destroyed when they laid a number of us off yesterday (some of us quit because they couldn’t stand the methods and attitude of our new “owners”). But since the sale isn’t done until next wens, we are forced to go back in and finish up the next three days or risk our measly 12 weeks of unemployment while we all try to find jobs in a field and city where there are none.

      Needless to say, I was laid off. I’m devastated. This job was my home. I’m the only provider in my family, and my pets, my son, my husband…they depend on me. In three days I don’t even know what I’ll do. There are no jobs in my field out there right now. Even if I find anything, I’ll be starting at the bottom again. I thought I would retire from my practice…and now its gone..my job and the unique culture it provided. I won’t even have any insurance and the meds I take for my migraines are over $800 without it. I’m so scared and so worried and so tired of crying.

      So I guess keep an eye out…I may be selling a lot of my collection in the next few months since feeding my family and paying my bills has to be more important…but…this all hurts so damned much.

      Keeper of the Fledgings


        I’m so sorry to hear about that! I know exactly where you are, I’ve been there before and it’s quite scary. I really hope things get better for you quickly!


          Ugh – I’m so sorry to hear all that. Aren’t they required to continue your health insurance for a certain amount of time after you’ve been laid off? I think it’s the COBRA act.

          Best of luck to you!


          How utterly awful! So sorry for you and your coworkers are going through. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. 🙁


            Ugh – I’m so sorry to hear all that. Aren’t they required to continue your health insurance for a certain amount of time after you’ve been laid off? I think it’s the COBRA act.

            Best of luck to you!

            Last I knew, the insurance company will continue to provide coverage for a year or more but you still have to pay the cost every month (and that can get expensive even at group rates).


              I’m so sorry.


              Oh no…. thats horrible news, your world must feel turned upside down 🙁 Im so sorry you and your family and coworkers have to go through all that !

              I wish you all the best, and the strength to battle through this. I know you likely dont feel like it now, but you WILL get through this, something else will come along, and eventually this will all be in the past. …. I know those are only words, and I wish I could help you more 🙁


              ps.. check your pm’s


                Thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers, and the amazing pm, Amstaff. And yes, they will have to offer me Cobra, but I won’t be able to afford it.

                Keeper of the Fledgings


                  And yes, they will have to offer me Cobra, but I won’t be able to afford it.

                  Well, drat – sorry about that! I hope things look up for you soon!


                    Sorry to hear that. I am not sure why so many people are getting laid off lately. I have had some friends laid off their jobs from oil companies here in the last few months although that’s cause the oil prices dropped but it’s tough having to start again. I hope you and maybe your husband are able to find other work soon and get health benefits as well too.

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                      Oh I am so sorry. It seems so many are getting laid off lately and there is never anything good to say.
                      Things will get better but I know right now it doesn’t seem like it. Hang in there!

                      Looking for:
                      "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                        So very sorry!
                        Hope you get back on your feet very soon. Thoughts and Prayers! Hugs Galore!

                        IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                        Thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers, and the amazing pm, Amstaff. And yes, they will have to offer me Cobra, but I won’t be able to afford it.

                        Oh your welcome *hugs*


                          I am so sorry to hear about your layoff. I thought the economy was getting better and that the medical field was booming–guess not. I’m sorry that you feel so afraid right now and I hear you. No money coming in and yet the bills keep coming. I hope something works out for you soon. I am so frustrated to see greed all around me–this is what makes companies lay people off–they’re trying to maximize their profits by stepping on people. I just read in my paper that new owners took over a townhome complex and the residents are scared because they fear their rents are going to go up. They are paying $2600 now for a 2 bedroom and that rent could reach as much as $6000 a month! Insane. I don’t know where it will end and how many people will be tossed to the curb but something has to give soon. Ordinary people just can’t live anymore–good, hard working people and we not worth anything. I’m thinking of you and hoping better things to come.


                            My first day of unemployment. Feels surreal. I haven’t been unemployed since I was a teenager. Feels like I’ve been punched in the stomach, only the feeling doesn’t go away. 🙁 Had an interview already. Not the same job I went to school for and making much less money. We’ll see how it goes. Blew a tire on the way to the interview though. More expense, and only just made it on time. Sigh. Anyone who says the economy is recovering isn’t here at the bottom. And unemployment is only “down” because so many people have given up. There is no loyalty to hardworking employees anymore…only the bottom line.

                            Keeper of the Fledgings

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