The boys and I are still here in Utah. We’d thought I’d be able to drive by today so we could get home (not that visiting with g’ma & g’m’pa isn’t fun 😀 ) The pain level is still really high so my meds are way high dosages; lorcet every 4 hours trading off with demerol every other 4 hours. So essentially the schedule is painkiller every 2 hours 😯 I should be a drooling puddle on the floor… 😆 😆 😆 and all they do is take the edge off the pain to make it almost bearable. I’ve been able to walk on it a bit more today ‘tho I do look funny trying to limp on both feet… 😆
Saw my podiatrist Monday. 3 hour drive from home (idaho to utah) He’s scheduled me for surgery in the morning… 5 a.m. to be exact 😯 I was not expecting that at all…. My anxiety level is on the high side at the moment *sigh* Anyway, I prolly won’t be around as often the next couple days. I’m still here, but I’ll be on some nasty drugs & won’t make a lot of sense (not that I ever make much sense…) Keep your fingers crossed for me. See ya soon!