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    I worked for a summer and a winter break for Revlon on the assembly line – it put me off makeup for life. One of the lines was for Charlie but the machine kept breaking and there was a giant puddle of Charlie in the middle of the floor. I reeked when I got home – got undressed in the laundry room and threw everything in the washer. For years just the smell of Charlie made me sick to my stomach.


    That made me laugh, ddvm – even though I don’t know what Charlie is. Some kind of perfume?


    I think it is perfume.


      It’s a perfume that I used to wear all the time when I was in Junior High! 😆 I’d forgotten about that!! Funny.


        I’m not sure if it’s around anymore


          I don’t think it is.


          And since I figured why not froogle it… yes, Charlie is still being produced, by Revlon. 🙂



            I remember that perfume. It was strong – I can’t imagine what a puddle of it must have been like:-/ It’s still available, believe it or not.


            well, it was still available as of a few years ago. my bf’s grandmother gave me charlie red (i don’t wear purfume). unless it was old stock of hers; i often wonder where she gets the stuff she gives me. the thought is there. i like dragons, she gave me a plastic necklace with a metal dragon coin on it. i like tea, she gave me a single tea cup and matching saucer.


            You should give her a list of wants. 😆


            Thanks for the link, Nytetyger. The description doesn’t sound too bad – but I don’t wear perfume much anyway.


            Charlie isn’t the best smelling perfume to begin with and a whole puddle of it REEKED! At lunch people could always tell who was working on that line because your hair and clothes would smell of it. And when you worked in the “powder” room (where they packaged the face powder, etc) they would give out free milk on the breaks to wash down the powder you inhaled. Made me wonder what my lungs looked like. But at least they would rotate people through.

            It was a good experience though – the people who work assembly lines work HARD plus it is boring. Made me stay in school…


            😆 😆 😆

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