Woke up this morning and my hand wouldn't work lol

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    Hows the hand? It probably is just from fluid retention. I remember with my daughter, the last month or so I would get this place on my thigh that felt wet. I mean it would feel EXACTLY like my pants were wet on the top of my thigh, about 5 inches above my knee. I would look, feel, no wet anything anywhere….Just from pinched nerves, boy was that wierd! Everytime it would happen, I;d be like, did my water brake?? 😆


      It went totally away then came back again but now its fine. I can’t wait to see if I wake up with the same problem in the morning. We have had a horrible wet rainy week this week so I’m sure that isn’t helping. I’m sure its just from my poor body swelling up.


        Hehehe.. Sleep… That would be nice….
        I remember Trying to get comfortable when I was pregnant, really doesn’t help I’m an insomniac and as My mom calls me “A Princess & the Pea” kinda girl!!

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