wizard gemstones

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    Melody, we seem to be having a debate about the color of the ring gemstones of the wizards. I have the small and large white wizards and neither of them have their ring gemstones, so I asked the forum members what gemstones their wizards have. The consensus is that the small and large wizards have matching stones, the emeralds have rubies, and the rest seem to be debateable. One opinion is that all the wizards have amethysts, some say the blacks have clear stones, some have amethysts, some peacocks have sapphires, some whites have amethysts and some have clear stones, some say that it depends on who finished the piece in the first place. So. Can you settle this debate? What gemstones were originally in the white and the black wizards particularly? Did any wizard have clear stones? Were the colors left up to the discretion of the finishers?


      drgnlvr wrote:

      Melody, we seem to be having a debate about the color of the ring gemstones of the wizards. I have the small and large white wizards and neither of them have their ring gemstones, so I asked the forum members what gemstones their wizards have. The consensus is that the small and large wizards have matching stones, the emeralds have rubies, and the rest seem to be debateable. One opinion is that all the wizards have amethysts, some say the blacks have clear stones, some have amethysts, some peacocks have sapphires, some whites have amethysts and some have clear stones, some say that it depends on who finished the piece in the first place. So. Can you settle this debate? What gemstones were originally in the white and the black wizards particularly? Did any wizard have clear stones? Were the colors left up to the discretion of the finishers?

      Yes, Susie and I have been having a debate over the colors of the wizards rings stones too! I told her to ask the forum. I can’t remember all of the colors, but I think the peacock Wizard had an amethyst stone, the emerald had red, the black one had red, the white one… had either a yellowish white stone or a clear white stone. I thought it was the clear white. I have a whole collection of painted large wizards in every color we have done, but they are boxed right now. Does anyone have a large white wizard ( or a pic) with a ring stone?
      The stone color wasn’t supposed to be random, though as you all know, stuff happens, and things do sometimes get out the door with incorrect stones and eyes…and paint…
      One of the things we really want to do for our website is have an encyclopedia, like the one “Astral Castle” has http://www.astralcastle.com/, with a description and pic of every piece. Have you checked that site for a pic?
      Whenever someone asks me a question like that, that is where I go to try to find the answer!
      edit* Ok , I just checked Astral Castle’s encyclopedia and they have a picture of the White Wizard, but you can’t see the gem in the ring.
      edit again* WHAT is that brown dragon in your avatar pic wearing??


        I have 2 large peacock wizards & both have light blue gems & the very old large white wizard I have that has no felt pad has a red gem .


        Melody wrote:

        edit again* WHAT is that brown dragon in your avatar pic wearing??

        I believe that’s this guy



          sapphire wrote:

          I have 2 large peacock wizards & both have light blue gems & the very old large white wizard I have that has no felt pad has a red gem .

          RED??? Really?? oy vey…I thought they had white gems. So much for my memory.


            Leigha wrote:

            Melody wrote:

            edit again* WHAT is that brown dragon in your avatar pic wearing??

            I believe that’s this guy

            LOL What IS that??


              Dreds, mon. He’s a regge dragon. lol 😆


                My large white wizard has an amethyst stone, my peacock wizards have lt. sapphire.


                  both of my White Wizards have amethyst stones…


                    My large and small white Wizards have amethyst stones. My small peacock Wizard has a light blue stone (turquoise?). My small black Wizard has an amethyst stone. 😆


                    LOL good to see the answer is clear, LMAO. That is part of the reason I love the Windstones, the artists interpretations.


                    yeah, mon, that’s my reggae rasta chocolate dragon with his dreds, irie? (All right?) I wanted to overlap two of my passions at some point, my love of Windstone dragons and my love for reggae music, so I created these dredlocks from cheneille yarn for the darkest dragon I have. My reggae bracelet fit perfectly as a headband, also. I get a lot of compliments on him too! The avatar didn’t come out as clear as I would have liked, I’ll have to work on that! I couldn’t find a reggae dragon, dragons don’t fit into the reggae culture like lions do, so I had to create my own. Maybe I should commission a PYO in reggae colors and put dreds on that one! 😆


                    Both my large and small White Wizards have Amethyst. I am the one with black wizards who both have clear stones (Is there anyone else with black wizards with clear stones? I am interested). Emeralds with rubies. Peacocks with sapphires. My old blue and red ones have Amethyst. 😀
                    I can say my old white wizard came with his styrofoam box and hadn’t even been out of his tissue paper, so I know his stone hadn’t been changed. My small black was brand new out of the showcase with a clear stone. My large black wizard was sent USPS and had mild damage to him when I got him, but had his stone…clear.

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