Winter Dragon

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    Fritochick (Mary)

      Fritochick (Mary)

        HI Melody, I saw your winter poad and thought the color was GREAT. I remember you saying you were trying to find a good blue for a dragon. What about this color???


          The blue looks like the blue on the glacier pearls. Would LOVE to see dragons in Glacier Pearl 😀 squeek* 😀


            Fritochick wrote:

            HI Melody, I saw your winter Poadâ„¢ and thought the color was GREAT. I remember you saying you were trying to find a good blue for a dragon. What about this color???

            I don’t know if that color would translate to a textured piece like a dragon, I did a “winter unicorn” and it didn’t come out as nice. A Poad’s body is nice and smooth to show off designs in paint, a dragon isn’t so good for that..


              Melody wrote:

              Fritochick wrote:

              HI Melody, I saw your winter Poad™™ and thought the color was GREAT. I remember you saying you were trying to find a good blue for a dragon. What about this color???

              I don’t know if that color would translate to a textured piece like a dragon, I did a “winter unicorn” and it didn’t come out as nice. A Poadâ„¢’s body is nice and smooth to show off designs in paint, a dragon isn’t so good for that..

              I got this impression too. It’s a pretty color but I am not sure I’d enjoy it on a dragon. I tend to enjoy the rich gemmy colors on dragons (that have a lot of depth to the color such as Red Fire). 🙂

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                How about a Glacier Pearl dragon (Not like the OW that was painted a while back-yuck. More like the adorable little curlies in the store) and more Winter Poads? squeek*


                  WolfenMachine wrote:

                  How about a Glacier Pearl dragon (Not like the OW that was painted a while back-yuck. More like the adorable little curlies in the store) and more Winter Poadâ„¢s? squeek*

                  That was what I was hoping for to 😀 .

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