Yes, and what about your garden wolf? 😀 I love his globe eyes. I know you said once there was an issue with the eyes setting things on fire when the sun hit them, but you could market him as an indoor sculpt!
Oh god I would LOVELOVELOVE to see more wolves!!! *explodes*
Me too me too!!!
Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
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Thank you, Melody! Your creativity really knows no bounds.
I wasn’t a fan of the winged wolves until I started painting one. If a family came out, I think I’d try to find room for it.
Pyo or production on these? I’d love to see it either way, but I have to admit, my fingers get kind of twitchy with the excitement of painting them. My vote would have to go for pyo. 😀