Winged Kirin…idea by Whippetluv

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Winged Kirin…idea by Whippetluv

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    Well here is my winged kirin…I think she looks terrific!

    Oh and BTW, you CAN drill into a Windstone with a hand drill without hurting it.

    Let me know what you guys think.

    She’s my personal kirin, but I am thinking of getting more wings and doing another to match the wings, think it would do well on eBay?

    Also, Whippet, let me know if borrowing your idea is a problem.




      I love it! You really matched the colors well! 😀


      No problems from me! I think it looks great. I am not fond of the glitter, but the inner wing is loverly!
      But be warned…mine anyway did NOT sell well on ebay. I only covered the cost of my wings and PYO and got paid nothing for the work.


      whippetluv wrote:

      No problems from me! I think it looks great. I am not fond of the glitter, but the inner wing is loverly!
      But be warned…mine anyway did NOT sell well on ebay. I only covered the cost of my wings and PYO and got paid nothing for the work.

      Yeah, I saw that. I am not sure if I really want to go that route, but then it would be fun to do another with the paint job specifically designed around the wings chosen.

      Though these wings were chosen for this particular kirin based on their colors. The glitter isn’t quite as loud in person, but pictures and reflected light make it show a bit more.

      Overall I am very pleased with the look, especially since my Kyrin avatar is winged…yep, red hair, green eyes, and wings…so adding these made sense to me, since this kirin was painted to match the avatar.

      I really don’t expect to make money selling PYOs on eBay, mostly I am just looking to break even so I can buy more PYOs. So I can keep painting them..but not end up with an army on my shelf.



      wolflodge100 wrote:

      I love it! You really matched the colors well! 😀

      Yeah, when I saw the wings on eBay, I had to have them, they just matched so well.



        WOW Kyrin I love him and I love the colors, will you be putting him up on ebay? 😆



        are those fractals patterning the wings?
        its beautiful and very organic, btw.


        Very, very pretty, Kyrin. What are the wings made of?


        Kyrin wrote:

        Well here is my winged kirin…I think she looks terrific!

        Oh and BTW, you CAN drill into a Windstone with a hand drill without hurting it.

        Let me know what you guys think.

        She’s my personal kirin, but I am thinking of getting more wings and doing another to match the wings, think it would do well on eBay?

        Also, Whippet, let me know if borrowing your idea is a problem.


        HA! I was right *g* Lovely job btw ^_^


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Very, very pretty, Kyrin. What are the wings made of?

        They seem to be made of some kind of plastic laminate.

        Only downside is that the back of the wings are without detail, but since you really don’t look at the back I guess it is okay, but I was a little disappointed the pattern wasn’t on both sides.



        mmloda wrote:

        WOW Kyrin I love him and I love the colors, will you be putting him up on ebay? 😆

        No, she’s mine. However, if you would be interested, I can do another. You can pick out the wings and I can paint a kirin to match them. Was wanting to anyway, so another excuse won’t hurt. PM me if you’re interested.



          Kyrin wrote:

          Oh and BTW, you CAN drill into a Windstone with a hand drill without hurting it.


          I really like the colors.

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            Wow! Thats beautiful!! I also think the glitter is a bit much for me, but the wings go very well with the color scheme.


            skigod377 wrote:

            Wow! Thats beautiful!! I also think the glitter is a bit much for me, but the wings go very well with the color scheme.

            Well since I didn’t make the wings, I didn’t get much of an option when it came to the glitter, but I like it. Shiney! I think I was a ferret in another life. 😆


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