Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Sept 18 p 3

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  • #783511

    I take it some folks out there really like that ‘Summer Green’ spectral! It’s at $751.23 already!! 😮


      I think windstone shuold take that as a sign we need another line of green dragons 😀 I’ve loved all the recent one’s put up but they are always way out of my price range. I’d love to get some from the store though 😳


        NicoleH wrote:

        I think windstone shuold take that as a sign we need another line of green dragons

        :negative: There’ve already been three colors based in green for the dragons: Green, Emerald (including the Jade mistakes) and Emerald Green. Need to get some other colors out there. :yes:


          I dunno, those really vivid spring greens are pretty unique. Mo’ dragons is always a good thing!

          I didn’t think I’d like the Tuxedo Dragon when I saw the thumbnail, but he’s wonderful! I love how unique he is.


            I can’t decide if I like the Tuxedo male or not. I think I would like him more with a glossy coat, or maybe some of the invisible paint on the black…


              I love the tuxedo dragon. The male dragon sculpt always seemed rather cat-like to me anyways. Any chance for calico and Siamese male dragons? Maybe Bengals?


                pegasi1978 wrote:

                NicoleH wrote:

                I think windstone shuold take that as a sign we need another line of green dragons

                :negative: There’ve already been three colors based in green for the dragons: Green, Emerald (including the Jade mistakes) and Emerald Green. Need to get some other colors out there. :yes:

                ??? What is emerald green? There have been only two production colors that have a green focus. Green and Emerald. Jade, but that was only officially on the orientals.

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                My art:


                  Jennifer wrote:

                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  NicoleH wrote:

                  I think windstone shuold take that as a sign we need another line of green dragons

                  :negative: There’ve already been three colors based in green for the dragons: Green, Emerald (including the Jade mistakes) and Emerald Green. Need to get some other colors out there. :yes:

                  ??? What is emerald green? There have been only two production colors that have a green focus. Green and Emerald. Jade, but that was only officially on the orientals.

                  I think she meant the EmPeas, Emerald Peacock, they do have a lot of green in them, but lots of blues too.

                  Wampus Dragon

                    I’m convinced I’m gonna lose the Ki-rin now. One more bid and I’m out. >.< I cant bid any higher. Sad.


                      pegasi1978 wrote:

                      NicoleH wrote:

                      I think windstone shuold take that as a sign we need another line of green dragons

                      :negative: There’ve already been three colors based in green for the dragons: Green, Emerald (including the Jade mistakes) and Emerald Green. Need to get some other colors out there. :yes:

                      What other colors are there that haven’t been used multiple times in either production, LP, or artist editions? Yellow? Orange? I’m not sure how I’d feel about a yellow dragon…..


                        Lokie wrote:

                        pegasi1978 wrote:

                        NicoleH wrote:

                        I think windstone shuold take that as a sign we need another line of green dragons

                        :negative: There’ve already been three colors based in green for the dragons: Green, Emerald (including the Jade mistakes) and Emerald Green. Need to get some other colors out there. :yes:

                        What other colors are there that haven’t been used multiple times in either production, LP, or artist editions? Yellow? Orange? I’m not sure how I’d feel about a yellow dragon…..

                        Gold constitutes as yellow for all intensive dragon purposes in my book….But some of the orangy yellow dragons Olympia have done are insanely eye gaga candy….The Sunset Laps come to mind.


                          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                          Lokie wrote:

                          What other colors are there that haven’t been used multiple times in either production, LP, or artist editions? Yellow? Orange? I’m not sure how I’d feel about a yellow dragon…..

                          Gold constitutes as yellow for all intensive dragon purposes in my book….But some of the orangy yellow dragons Olympia have done are insanely eye gaga candy….The Sunset Laps come to mind.
                          Ah, yes, I had blocked the sunset color from my mind. Probably Intentionally. But if we are using your “all intensive dragon purposes” for gold which would include copper/gold as well, no color comes to mind that hasn’t been used multiple times if we include Ebay pieces. :shrug:


                          I want a yellow dragon! BANANA DRAGON!



                            Not a big fan of yellow :nea: . The Sunrise Laps are pretty, but nothing I would freak out for (perhaps if they had green eyes I’d feel different). I think it would be nice to see a fire/ice kinda color scheme dragon. And maybe another pastel colored dragon – kinda the equivalent to the white dragons, but different. Maybe aqua colored. I just spouting here. I love thinking of new colors for Windstone dragons 😳 .


                              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                              Jennifer wrote:

                              pegasi1978 wrote:

                              :negative: There’ve already been three colors based in green for the dragons: Green, Emerald (including the Jade mistakes) and Emerald Green. Need to get some other colors out there. :yes:

                              ??? What is emerald green? There have been only two production colors that have a green focus. Green and Emerald. Jade, but that was only officially on the orientals.

                              I think she meant the EmPeas, Emerald Peacock, they do have a lot of green in them, but lots of blues too.

                              😳 Yep, meant the Emerald Peacocks. Trying to type around a pre-schooler doesn’t work too well sometimes for reading back over things before you hit the submit button to be sure you don’t goof something up.

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