Windstones' new auctions thread Closed

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    siberakh1 wrote:

    Mimi, those castles look awesome together! I like that arches one! Very nice! I like it’s golden-coppery tones.

    Thanks! The Arch Castle color scheme does make a nice contrast with the brighter production castles.

    siberakh1 wrote:

    I have 3 that will be at my place eventually. Just need to track down a Castle of the Hawks and an Alchemist tower 🙂

    Cool! I hope you find those soon. I’ll let you know if I see them anywhere.


    Wow, Nam – people will bid on the dragon just for the sketch! Beautiful.


    ohhh I am in love :ooo
    *my heart*


      twindragonsmum wrote:

      Jen, my twinner, Sean, just caught a glimpse of this dragon of yours and wants it desperately!!!! Green is his favorite color and he says this dragon is ‘perfect’! Thought I’d pass on his compliment 😀 *I think it’s gorgeous my own self!*

      twindragonsmum 😀

      Awww please tell him thank you for me!! 😀

      Maebnus3 wrote:

      Wow, those auction pics for the Forest Male are way different than the gallery pics. He’s so much paler.

      Nam, can you tell me which pictures are more accurate for his actual color?

      I would say somewhere in-between.

      My photos tend to be a little vibrant because I take them in natural (indirect) light. So the colors you see are visible because they are being hit by the full spectrum of light.

      The photos Windstone takes are taken under artifical lighting and then toned down a bit. The idea is that then the buyer will always get something nicer than they see on the screen.

      So, it depends on the lighting! That’s why I say in-between… most of the time on display in the house these guys are lit by daylight during the day, and then artificial light at night. 🙂

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        ddvm wrote:

        Hey, Jennifer’s dragon is up too and he’s gorgeous!

        Truly beautiful! 😯


        Nam’s labordite coiled mother dragon came and she is exquisite! She is absolutely, positively gorgeous! The only problem I have is that I keep re-positioning her so I can see all sides!

        The dragon sketch that came with her is great! One of these years when I have some time I’ll have to take pictures.


          hello all. i just wanted to let Nam know that the Spring Crocus Fledge i won is gorgeous!! and i love the cute little dragon scetch that came with him. he is proudly being displayed where the sun can catch him in the afternoon so he sparkles like a little rainbow.
          this is my 1st piece that Nam has painted and i hope to try to own more .


            Oh, you got that? Congrats, dracco! Lucky you. 😀


              I’m so glad they arrived safe and you both enjoy them, respectively!! I forgot to take scans of those sketches…

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                you really pain these sculpts wonderfully Nam. I am slightly jealous(and happy for) the ones that get to buy your hand painted windstones. Maybe one day i’ll get to see one of them in person. ^.^


                Congrats, dracco! Got pics?


                  thanks everyone ! i am very happy with him !

                  i was thinking of posting pics ,but when i went to get the camera turns out my kids were hiding a big secret . well lets say the camera is broken and they are grounded.if i can try to find another way to get pics i will.


                  😯 Sorry about that, dracco.


                    Awww…that stinks. 🙁


                      That cranberry curlie didnt go as high as I thought he would.

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