Tom is one of the “behind-the-scenes” guys that keeps things running. You owe the Windstone website to Tom for creating it (and Snap for hosting it). 🙂
Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
My art:
All hail Tom, then! Is Snap a person? c.c Go them, too.
As long as I (and not some stranger in Las Vegas) get my Poad , Tom and I will be cool. XD I thought I’d been hacked or something! @.@!! I’m still a little worried, even now. c.c; Hum.
To my understanding Snap Dragon got the whole Forum up nad running. Tom has always been there in the background. Now especially with Karen leaving he is coming more to the fore front. He takes care of the on line store and is now the one listing the items on e-bay. He has been with Windstone over 20 years so I’m sure he has done mUCH more then this in the past. I met him for the first time when I was there in November. He is a very nice guy and I’m sure he will be doing a lot more now thta Karen has left