Windstone SHOCK! Muses are here!

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      yep and welcome back!!


      Nambroth wrote:

      Wow, that’s fast! Us here in the USA haven’t even gotten ours yet! 😆

      I think i’ll have to write a letter to Suszie and everyone at Windstone just to say how impressed i am with the service and packing 😀


        *SQUEE* I just got mine! (I ordered yesterday!) And omg it is so small and cute and wonderful!!! ^_^


        Are they available for purchase somewhere???? Don’t see them anywhere.


          They are in the Windstone store under paint your owns 😀


          I just got mine yesterday. I love it. I can’t wait to start painting. I just might need to get more. They are so affordable. 😀 It’s cute, and I love the dixy cup.


          I received mine last week. I ordered a red/orange and a blue/green one. My bf is gonna paint one, but he says he wants to wait until he finishes his griffin. He started that last year and I am still waiting…haha


          OMG I just got my blue/green Muse. It is sssssssooooooooo ugl—I mean Cute!! 😆
          Even a non-artist, such as myself, can see the challenge in trying to paint these little guys. So much intricacy on such a small object! I think, right now anyway, that my favorite part is the long hair in the back. Would a Muse possibly be related to Cousin It? 😆

          I put her? him? it? in the case covered with the dixie cup. Now that is a conversation starter!! I have one each of all of the PYOs so far–of course I’ll never attempt painting them but they are all so nice and after all Windstone is Windstone!! 🙂


          haha, another person who says they will never paint them. Don’t worry, we will get to paint it sooner than later. 😈


          lol, i want another white now though. I think i’ll have a white muse as they are so cute.


          Awww, man, I love painting the Muse! I’m goofing off with different techniques and paints with her in so many ways! The hardest thing has been keeping the areas of different textures and therefore for my Muse contrasting colours clean.

          And yes, I’m one of the people that finds her ADORABLE. *is weird*

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