I have received an email announcing the December Windstone Raffle! Quoting here for those who may not have gotten the message:
“The raffle prize for December 2019 is this test-painted, prototype sitting Oriental dragon finished in green/gold and coppery colors. The gold paint is a color shift type, so it is difficult to photo accurately! It looks gold from the top but shifts to green if you look up at him. He has light green eyes, gold plated pewter horns and chomps on a dichroic crystal globe. The prototypes have a slightly thicker neck than the production dragons of this mold.
If you would like a chance to win this magnificent dragon, send me an email to my NEW raffle email address: reptangle2@gmail.com with “December 2019 Raffle” in the Subject line. Include your real name, address and your Windstone Editions forum handle (the name listed in your forum posts, i.e. WindstoneFan29).
The deadline for entering this raffle is 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Jan 1st, 2020! Please send your email before that time! No entries will be accepted after the cutoff!”