Windstone pajamas

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    I am sick today 🙁 … the whole deal with aches, fever, and chills. So…. I pulled out these polar bear pajamas. They were a Christmas present last year but I never wear them because they are soooo hot (but very soft). So just now I’m looking down and notice that they are totally Melody’s bears! All three polar bear poses exactly on my pjs! (They were from my mom, so she would’ve gotten them at Macy’s, Linens & Things or Target).

    I’ll post a pic, but um… is there anything that can be done? (If I hadn’t been a forum member, I don’t know that I would’ve caught it… and I didn’t until now and I have one of the polar bears!)



    I want Windstone Pajamas!


    but yeah…I don’t know lol


      PJ’s What’s next???????????????????????


      darjeb wrote:

      PJ’s What’s next???????????????????????

      Ummm, slippers & a robe? 😉

      The sad part is that I can’t imagine how much stuff never gets caught.


        Those would be soooo cool, if they were official of course.


          I want them too!!


          I’d love to see a picture of these!

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