
Windstone Packing Tutorial

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      After seeing all these poor broken Windstones, I was wondering if we wanted to start a project of making a packing tutorial, similiar to this one, for shipping Windstones: http://reviews.ebay.com/Packing-carousel-figures_W0QQugidZ10000000001452868?ssPageName=BUYGD:CAT:-1:LISTINGS:1

      My thought was that for sellers who don’t realize how fragile these sculps are could see how to properly package them. It could also the show the devastating the effect of not following through with good practices. We could direct sellers to the web page and ask if they would follow those procedures. It won’t guarantee anything, but photos and descriptions could go a long way.

      What do you guys think? Is there a tutorial already established somewhere?



          I love the idea! I’ll gladly contribute photos of my recent casulty.


          i also think it is a great idea. there is only one windstone guide on ebay. i think someone on the forum wrote it. and it only helps with buying, not shipping.


            That is an ace idea! It’s a shame something like this is needed however.

            I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


              Great idea!!! 😀


              Wonderful idea, SilverArrow. I’ll help in whatever way I can.


                Awsome! Unless someone wants to take this on, I’ll start gathering photos from people. Just e-mail me them or the URL from your web gallery/photobucket site.

                Pictures needed:
                1.) Example of bad packaging (i.e. broken windstone, next to the packaging material and/or box).
                2.) Pictures of troublesome sculps like the Emperor (if you have photoshop it would be great to have arrows pointing to the weak spots).
                3.) Any examples of excellent packaging (although I know most people won’t take pics of those, but maybe someone has).
                4.) Any pics you think would be useful.

                I can get these into a word doc with some text, but I will need someone’s help posting somewhere. Any suggestions on ideas/tricks/tips would be appreciated and welcome.


                This is a excellent idea. Instead of me writing it out each time how I want it packaged I can just give them the link. One thing I might note is that if it is too long then they might not read all of it.


                  dragonessjade wrote:

                  This is a excellent idea. Instead of me writing it out each time how I want it packaged I can just give them the link. One thing I might note is that if it is too long then they might not read all of it.

                  Very true. Once we have a draft we will find a way to either send it out or post it and get a lot of feedback before finishing it up. I figure it will have to be refined a couple of times.


                  SilverArrow wrote:

                  dragonessjade wrote:

                  This is a excellent idea. Instead of me writing it out each time how I want it packaged I can just give them the link. One thing I might note is that if it is too long then they might not read all of it.

                  Very true. Once we have a draft we will find a way to either send it out or post it and get a lot of feedback before finishing it up. I figure it will have to be refined a couple of times.
                  Yep, I am sure that it will. 😀


                    Once it’s written up, I have lots of webspace, I’d be happy to make it into a web page that people can easily link to and host it on my site.


                      This is cool. And will be very useful!! I wish I had taken some pictures when I was moving…everyone had to get mummified in bubble wrap and syrophome and double boxed…

                      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                      -J R R Tolkien


                        If you can, on any photo that contains a Windstone, could you put a copyright blurb on the photo? © Windstone Editions or Copyright Windstone or something? That’d help a lot, since this will be ‘publlished’. 🙂

                        Or, if it’s a single document, you can put that all statues are Copyright © Windstone Editions. Something like that should be okay too. 🙂

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
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