
Windstone Nightmares

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      This is a true story. Oh how I wish it were not. I cried for days both my sons kept looking at me like –this we should take her to the doctors? What–he knows how to fix them? Pack all then up them I will see if he can operate on them! They both shut up and walked away. Boy moms in a bad mood–no crap! Pretend it is your comics! Well Brandon says I would be too–I really like them–I almost cried myself when I saw them. Well Rob says I those are not the ones I like–he likes the Gargoyles. Me, shut up Rob! Go play with your computer! Okay Brandon I told you not to let your girlfriend daughter beat on that cabinet with her sippy cup! The is milk all over the cabinet again. Gee I wonder what happened here? I clean this off every other day and of coarse it just will not go away. It is like in-visable ink, only in-visable milk that just keeps re-appearing . By god its magic. I clean off the glass and the milk is back the very next day. Gee how great is that? So from her constant beating on the cabinet this is what happened–she loosened the pins that hold the shelves in. Gee mom how much did you pay for all those? Why you going to give me the money for them? Where you getting it with no job no money? Let me guess you are going to borrow it from me? :shout: Haaaaaaaaa pretty funny son. XD The next week I heard another crash———nooooooooooooooo my fairy cabinet! WTF OH MY GOD! same slyle cabinet. Just two shelfs gave way thank god. On the bottom were my set of Windstones the regular green faimly. Okay not that bad here just chips here and there my Sheila Wolk fairies.
      I took my butt out to the hardware store and bought curved reinforcement brackets for all these cabinets. I have three of them. Just waiting for the next one to fall. No that last was full of Windstones too My Peacocks, Emerald Greens and my white pegaus family plus my white unicorns. I took all out and reinforced every cabinet. Great right? 😕 Well almost. This little girl is in her terriable two’s . She gets mad at her mother comes over by me throws herself on the floor and starts kicking the floor right next to me. I just glance over to me left. Hump, I am not impressed. I say nothing as the child continues on with her tantrum. She gets madder because she is not getting the reaction from me that she gets from her mother. She takes her foot and shows me what she will do next–oh my god! I caught her foot just as she was aiming for my 6 foot tall 3 feet wide double doors (both are glass) 5 shelve strapped to the wall china cabinet. You do that again and I will bust you butt good! You do not want to know what is in this bottom shelf and the top has Nene Thomas A Chance Encounter, Faery of Black Cats,Always,Hope,Queen of Owls, and Aria plus much more. This is where I moved my now fixed white Griffins too and all my other Griffins are there too. Some cats. This child–child from hell. She weighs 45 pounds –not kidding–she is the size of a 5 year old easy but with the 2 problem going on here.
      Now can I stop this from happening again? Nope. This child’s mother just had my first granddaughter. Believe me–I want no repeat performances! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! 🙄



        Oh I’m so sorry to hear about that windstonefan. Children beating on the cabinets (and this then loosening the shelves) is exactly why I tell my nephew (and son when he was younger) “NO!”, any time he looks at my cabinets. His hands get popped frequently as well when he touches them. They are both pretty good about leaving the cabinets alone now.


          NicoleH wrote:

          When windstonefan told me about it she said it actually happened 🙁 poor thing. I think she said the shelves either broke or collapsed in her cabinet. WE should never trust our furniture 100% I guess 🙁 I hope the sun dragons come back good as new.

          Nicole thank you. 😀 I really did not tell many people because I was so heartbroken 😥 at the time I was speechless ! I told my friend Jennifer who after a while contacted Kyrin for me and bless Kyrin heart she looked at the pictures of my disasters and said no problem! Yes ! Oh my god . My hero! Jennifer my friend, has the repaints she is awesome at this and me? I suck at painting small pieces. If is not a wall I have a problem seeing it. Narrow eye glaccoma that was operated on a year ago and now they say I have cateracts. Thanks for that good news no wonder I still can’t see! I want to hear hey your eyes are great. Not the best we can give you is 20-30 vision. Getting old is not funny at all! We all have to do that no choice here. I’d just rather do it a with a little healthier eyes. But maybe it is a blessing, for you cannot cry 😥 about what you can’t see!



            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            Dragons4Life wrote:

            Wait a minute Evelyn (hey I have the same name only it’s spelled Evelynne 😀 ) you mean to tell us this REALLY happened? Or are you saying it was a “daymare” ? I’m a little confused on this but seeing as how you are going into such detail…OMG. When you described the doors slamming open all I can think is “Does this lady have a ghost??” LOL

            Of course nothing is funny about actually losing/breaking Windstones. 🙁 It seems you already enlisted the help of some people here! I hope it all gets fixed and here’s a gentle suggestion…get a LOCK for that cabinet! It’s like that nasty piece of furniture came alive and decided it didn’t want to hold all your Windstones anymore, sheesh!
            I thought it was a daymare too at first, but now am not so sure with all those exact details…Did this really happen to you Windstonefan? 😮 😕
            (I also was thinking GHOST immediately after the doors slamming open part…Weird stuff happnes here around 11 pm all the time. I’ve jsut gotten used to it. :shrug: )[/quote

            Oh my god this was at around 11AM! Right before my 1pm shifts starts! Evelyn? 😮 You too? My mother and father bless there hearts named me after my fathers sister and my middle name after my mothers sister. So oh boy here goes Evelyn Veronica, thankee mom and dad! They actually try to put this whole name on my credit cards, and have. I call them and say WTF is this? Please it was bad enough being a child with a old woma’ns name —but now that I am old I must have the whole old name thrown at me? Thankee bunches!
            But what a weird thing that we both picked windstone for the front of our name! How weird is that one?



              pegasi1978 wrote:

              Oh I’m so sorry to hear about that windstonefan. Children beating on the cabinets (and this then loosening the shelves) is exactly why I tell my nephew (and son when he was younger) “NO!”, any time he looks at my cabinets. His hands get popped frequently as well when he touches them. They are both pretty good about leaving the cabinets alone now.

              Thank you :hi: pegas1978 it has been a long time since I have had to deal with little children. Just a twelve year old that is really 27. Great looking boy, that son of mine but a like having a two year old just costlier!



              windstonefan wrote:

              NicoleH wrote:

              When windstonefan told me about it she said it actually happened 🙁 poor thing. I think she said the shelves either broke or collapsed in her cabinet. WE should never trust our furniture 100% I guess 🙁 I hope the sun dragons come back good as new.

              Nicole thank you. 😀 I really did not tell many people because I was so heartbroken 😥 at the time I was speechless ! I told my friend Jennifer who after a while contacted Kyrin for me and bless Kyrin heart she looked at the pictures of my disasters and said no problem! Yes ! Oh my god . My hero! Jennifer my friend, has the repaints she is awesome at this and me? I suck at painting small pieces. If is not a wall I have a problem seeing it. Narrow eye glaccoma that was operated on a year ago and now they say I have cateracts. Thanks for that good news no wonder I still can’t see! I want to hear hey your eyes are great. Not the best we can give you is 20-30 vision. Getting old is not funny at all! We all have to do that no choice here. I’d just rather do it a with a little healthier eyes. But maybe it is a blessing, for you cannot cry 😥 about what you can’t see!

              Yep, getting them done. Hopefully I can send everything back to you on Monday. Kyrin hasn’t started on the sun dragons yet? Hm, I know she’s busy, but I’m sure you can PM her and ask where your repairs are in line. Hopefully not too far off now.


                Well I don’t want to keep bugging her, or rush her either. I’d much rather have her take here time than get the piece back like the Emperor came back to me.(It is Kyrin that would never happen) I swear though, I will never have anyone else work on a piece that I love so much but her. I learned my lesson here. It was a nice gesture on that other persons part but I got him back just as he was sent almost. I cannot believe I payed for that with my Silver Spectral. Someone shoot this dummy now.(rubberbands work good) 😆 Well what do you expect from a going bonkers woman. :shout: I only trust one fixer–used to be me. But Kyrins work makes mine look shabby. Even before my eyes got this bad. But using my friends weird looking magnifying glasses she uses to paint pictures with really helped me. But the lenses are to small and the contrapshion slips on my little head(little brain) XD I need to check out some other options. Any one got any ideas on this? Something like glasses but strong magnifying maybe adjustable strength? I need help on this. I have a few pieces to do for a friend still.



                RioGrand has all sorts of magnifiers, I use the desk mounted one when I’m beading. But they have ones that on your head too.



                  :hi: Thank you Jasmine I will check that out now. I should have plenty of time to do this after wednesday.



                  Just glad I could help. 😀

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