
Windstone Nightmares

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    Dragon87 wrote:

    I have some pretty amusing dreams *had a dream about dolphins and a wastewater treatment plant last night…*

    OK, I got an image in my mind and all I can think of is…. eewwwww! 😆


    Dragon87 wrote:

    They say once you realize you’re dreaming, you can control the dream…. I just wake up. I’d love to be able to control my dreams….

    That’s interesting. On the rare occasions I can remember my dreams, I tend to realize I’m dreaming, but from that point on I replay the same scene several times, changing it a bit each time, as if I need to wrangle the dream around by inches into doing why I want. 😆


    ooh, how neat! Dreaming with a rewind button! I’ve never even thought of trying that… 🙂


    I think it’s annoying, actually. Instead of moving on with the story and seeing what happens, I keep seeing the same thing over and over, only changing it a little bit with each replay even though I know what I want to happen. And the harder I try to change the sequence, the more my mind works and in the end it wakes me up before the story’s over.


    bayoudragon wrote:

    Dragon87 wrote:

    They say once you realize you’re dreaming, you can control the dream…. I just wake up. I’d love to be able to control my dreams….

    Lucid dreaming is a lot of fun (and is excellent for combating nightmares, btw). As long as I don’t try to control too much, I can stay lucid. If I try to force certain things to happen, I’ll (unfortunately) wake myself up… so I just try to change the dream but don’t really specify HOW. But with this, I never know what’s going to happen next!! 😮 😈

    There are different techniques you can practice. If you wake up the minute you try to control your dream, then don’t. When you realize you are dreaming, simply “observe”. See how long you can observe before waking up. Slowly build from there. 🙂

    I actually wake up cranky if I can’t interact with my dreams. 😳

    Woops! Meant to PM.


      Nope–haven’t had any Windstone related dreams–fantasties like finding an OW for $10 at a yard sale or coming across a neighbor whose mother passed away and was an avid Windstone collector and doesn’t want the collection so gives them to me–stuff like that. Yeah, I’m dreaming aren’t I? 😈


      Not a nightmare, but I did dream that the Labradorite Lap dragon somehow was put in the store for $800 or $850, and NO ONE seemed to notice. I asked my mom, “OMG!?!, should I get it?” and she was like, why not! So, I got it and was all ‘YAAAAAAAAAY!’ and skipping around the house happy as a clam. Then I woke up. 😕 Not a nightmare, but more like a small torture in a way. :yes:


      I can’t say I have had nightmares about the loss of a WIndstone, but I have had dreams of finding something rare or unusual that I have really wanted. I drempt once I found a silver OW at a local auction. Like anyone who got one of those is gonna give it up! 😆


      I had a dream the other night that my sister was grabbing my white unicorn family, and smashing them against eachother. My husband got in her face and yelled “I told you not to touch her Windstones!” 😳


        I had a nightmare only I was awake this was 5 months ago . I was sitting there getting ready for work. Putting on a little make up so I would not scare the customers away. All of a sudden both doors to my china cabinet slammed open and out came all my favorite Windstone pieces crashing to the floor it happened so fast just a big bang I swear my whole collection of Silvers were in there-Emperor,Spectral,Mother, Father,all three Royal Hatchers Eggs,Curlie every single one and both my favorite Sun Dragons my Blue and my artist done Graphite noooooooo. Then all of these were damaged, my Peacock Emperor won the fight with only a tiny nick. My white Griffin chick took a hit lost his ear and the father a toe nail one of my poads too. My son came running down stairs he was asleep but the loud crash woke him right up! He just stood there looking down at the mess and said what the heck happened? I thought a tree fell on the house or something was a he managed. I was in shock as I tried to gather up all the pieces. 😕 I put all the body parts on my large kitchen table. I had to leave for work. I worked two hours and actually got physically sick because I was so upset. :puke: I came home grabbed the pieces and started putting the puzzles together. Both the griffin father and the chick glued together nicely. The others were chipped the spectral was a big puzzle the next worst was the Blue Sun runner up the Graphite I could not even look at them I glues what I could and picked them all up and put them in there boxes. I could not look at them. I cried and cried I brought the Blue Sun down a couple months later I started to fill him with plaster mixed with gypsum , I started to cry again. This wasn’t going to work I can fix things that come broken from eBay sellers –but fix a piece I love that I have had? My Favorite? Nope this I could not do. I sent them both off them Kyrin –they were so bad and even though I never give up on fixing a piece–they were beyond me. She agreed to take both Sun Dragons. I sent the emperor off and the spectral to another fixer-but the story on them did not end happy. I fixed the rest myself and set 4 out to be painted by a good friend–these I tried a new low sand wall mud out on–this does not work well. It starts to fall apart when you paint them! So much for new products–I must stick with the old way. I fixed the Mother, Scratcher, and the father he was bad I had to build him a new front tail. This is done but I am having trouble making up the batch again for his chest. I must re-sand the paint back off him and try try again. My friend is just about ready to send them back. An I hope Kyrin has worked up to the Suns being next in line. Never want to rush perfection though–she can have all the time she needs. Just lucky to have got her to do them both–she is after all the best talent we here could ever wish to have fix our broken dreams of beautiful dragons and I thank her from the bottom of my heart. I could not see them threw my tears. I had a total loss on a commissioned piece his head was pulverised–nothing there but the powder in my carpet. The Griffen she did for me? Not a scratch–go figure, my Kyrins all four perfect and the other two Poads undamaged. This my friends was no dream only a night mare I never want to relive again. 🙁



        How did the doors crash open? An Earthquake?


        Wait a minute Evelyn (hey I have the same name only it’s spelled Evelynne 😀 ) you mean to tell us this REALLY happened? Or are you saying it was a “daymare” ? I’m a little confused on this but seeing as how you are going into such detail…OMG. When you described the doors slamming open all I can think is “Does this lady have a ghost??” LOL

        Of course nothing is funny about actually losing/breaking Windstones. 🙁 It seems you already enlisted the help of some people here! I hope it all gets fixed and here’s a gentle suggestion…get a LOCK for that cabinet! It’s like that nasty piece of furniture came alive and decided it didn’t want to hold all your Windstones anymore, sheesh!


        Dragons4Life wrote:

        Wait a minute Evelyn (hey I have the same name only it’s spelled Evelynne 😀 ) you mean to tell us this REALLY happened? Or are you saying it was a “daymare” ? I’m a little confused on this but seeing as how you are going into such detail…OMG. When you described the doors slamming open all I can think is “Does this lady have a ghost??” LOL

        Of course nothing is funny about actually losing/breaking Windstones. 🙁 It seems you already enlisted the help of some people here! I hope it all gets fixed and here’s a gentle suggestion…get a LOCK for that cabinet! It’s like that nasty piece of furniture came alive and decided it didn’t want to hold all your Windstones anymore, sheesh!
        I thought it was a daymare too at first, but now am not so sure with all those exact details…Did this really happen to you Windstonefan? 😮 😕
        (I also was thinking GHOST immediately after the doors slamming open part…Weird stuff happnes here around 11 pm all the time. I’ve jsut gotten used to it. :shrug: )


          windstonefan, OMG! That’s such a horrible thing to have happened. I’m so sorry 🙁 . What an absolutely traumatizing experience 😮 . I’m so glad you could get some of them repaired. I don’t know how I would handle having one of my Windstones break, let alone a whole slew of them at once 😮 .


            When windstonefan told me about it she said it actually happened 🙁 poor thing. I think she said the shelves either broke or collapsed in her cabinet. WE should never trust our furniture 100% I guess 🙁 I hope the sun dragons come back good as new.

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