
Windstone Nightmares

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      So Melody!

      Lastnight I had this AWFUL dream I heard this loud CRASH and jumped out of bed I ran to my “Windstone Lair” and found like 7 or 8 of my Windstone SMASHED and my little kitty sitting right in the middle trying to look as innocent as he possibly could. I fell to my knees crying “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I inspected to find my Emerald Peacock Old Warrior with the face and hands all crushed into dust, A Rainbow Young all scratched up, my Black and Gold Emperor smashed, Jennifer’s Conch Keeper as a pile of rubble, & (some of them didn’t even exist) There was a Ruby Royal Hatching dragon with the head broken off & a Rainbow Sitting Spectral with the wings all broken off and in pieces all over! GAH! (Two pieces I always wanted that never made it to production) LOL!

      I woke up and had to literally go and check on them because the dream felt so real 😮 It was like a terrible premonition, but luckilly so far! SO GOOD! LOL!

      I often have nightmares of when I’m working at the resturant and I walk in to the kitchen to get an order, but when I come back out… EVERY SINGLE BOOTH IS FULL OF PEOPLE and they’re all screaming for service and I’m stuck in the middle of a swarm of angry customers all yelling for me to take there order, bring them bread, drink refills, coffee, tea! Complaining “What’s TAKING SO LONG! Are you the ONLY WAITRESS!?!?” Gaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! 😈

      So! That led me to wonder, do you ever have Windstone nightmares? (since I know most of us probably have work related nightmares) All I can think of is stuff like *Melody painting 200 Amethyst Fledglings, as soon as she thinks she is finished Susie runs in and yells* “Those are ALL SOLD MELODY! Here are 200 MORE! EVERYONE ON THE FORUM IS COMPLAINING THEY DIDN’T GET ONE!” *endless racks of blank curls appear Melody must paint* WAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 😮

      LOL! These are the things I wonder when I can’t fall back to sleep at night. 😀

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        Got a busted Windstone?
        *OPEN for repairs*

        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
        Siphlophis Male Dragon
        Calypso Hatching Empress
        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
        Tattoo Mother Kirin
        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


          LOL. I’ve had two windstone dreams so far. One that I went to visit the new factory and that the poads were outside running about and they are aparently bouyant and can swim something like ducks. The other one I had last night was that old green scratchers had been made a while ago and I missed them and would never get one because they were so rare… I am curious to see what Melody’s nightmares might be 😀


            Oh I’ve had 7 or 8 different dreams, but mostly fantasies! Not nightmares like this!

            Once I was at work and opened boxes of random stuff in or receiving department and they were FULL of rare and retired Windstones that got shipped to us by mistake. For some reason they couldn’t be sent back so they clearanced them all for 90% off! It was AMAZING! I packed my car FULL and then I woke up! 😥

            I also have another one pretty often *I think we have all had this dream* Which is the “Windstone Yardsale” dream! Whatever Windstone you’re jonsing for at that time is the one at the yardsale and it’s always some amazing price! 😆

            I love that dream! I always manage to find my Rainbow Sitting Spectral in that dream! 😳

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              NicoleH wrote:

              LOL. I’ve had two windstone dreams so far. One that I went to visit the new factory and that the Poadâ„¢s were outside running about and they are aparently bouyant and can swim something like ducks. The other one I had last night was that old green scratchers had been made a while ago and I missed them and would never get one because they were so rare… I am curious to see what Melody’s nightmares might be 😀

              They love to swim! But they swim like dogs with just the heads sticking up.


                I’ve got to add: Once before there was a thread here about nightmares, and I complained about the terrible recurring school nightmares I have been plagued with all of my life. Someone said that if you tell people about your nightmares, they’ll go away..
                I haven’t had them since!
                kinda miss them…


                  drag0nfeathers wrote:

                  So Melody!

                  Lastnight I had this AWFUL dream I heard this loud CRASH and jumped out of bed I ran to my “Windstone Lair” and found like 7 or 8 of my Windstone SMASHED and my little kitty sitting right in the middle trying to look as innocent as he possibly could. I fell to my knees crying “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I inspected to find my Emerald Peacock Old Warrior with the face and hands all crushed into dust, A Rainbow Young all scratched up, my Black and Gold Emperor smashed, Jennifer’s Conch Keeper as a pile of rubble, & (some of them didn’t even exist) There was a Ruby Royal Hatching dragon with the head broken off & a Rainbow Sitting Spectral with the wings all broken off and in pieces all over! GAH! (Two pieces I always wanted that never made it to production) LOL!

                  I woke up and had to literally go and check on them because the dream felt so real 😮 It was like a terrible premonition, but luckilly so far! SO GOOD! LOL!

                  I often have nightmares of when I’m working at the resturant and I walk in to the kitchen to get an order, but when I come back out… EVERY SINGLE BOOTH IS FULL OF PEOPLE and they’re all screaming for service and I’m stuck in the middle of a swarm of angry customers all yelling for me to take there order, bring them bread, drink refills, coffee, tea! Complaining “What’s TAKING SO LONG! Are you the ONLY WAITRESS!?!?” Gaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! 😈

                  So! That led me to wonder, do you ever have Windstone nightmares? (since I know most of us probably have work related nightmares) All I can think of is stuff like *Melody painting 200 Amethyst Fledglings, as soon as she thinks she is finished Susie runs in and yells* “Those are ALL SOLD MELODY! Here are 200 MORE! EVERYONE ON THE FORUM IS COMPLAINING THEY DIDN’T GET ONE!” *endless racks of blank curls appear Melody must paint* WAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 😮

                  LOL! These are the things I wonder when I can’t fall back to sleep at night. 😀Oh, cool question!
                  Ha, well, no -I don’t have night mares about Windstone. Stressful as it is, it isn’t nightmare quality stress. That seems to be reserved for social things, like going out someplace fancy and realizing you forgot to put clothes on. Oh dang! I did it again! You stand around hoping nobody notices.(What is it with that one?? Do you have ones like that??)

                  I have good dreams just like yours though, going to yard sales and finding the Breyer horses I was looking for for ten cents each… or finding puddles of water filled with tropical fish that I could catch and keep. It was torture to wake up. ( I had a serious tropical fish addiction. I am recovering. )

                  People screaming for more Windstones as a nightmare? Gad, I never dreamed there would be any demand for my art in my wildest childhood fantasys!! I suspect I am still dreaming!


                    The only sorta bad windstone dream I had had involved me going on line to the store to only discover I caught the tail end of a kick-butt sale (every item was 5 dollars 😮 ) I could’nt get my computer to work and they had Autumn Leaf dragons and anything else I ever wanted. In the dream I finally managed to get the computer to work, but I only managed to snag an Autumn Leaf mother dragon 🙄 – but she was only 5 dollars.


                    Dunno if I posted it here, but I had a nightmare that the Gold Wine Griffin arrived at my apartment via the back of the postal carrier’s personal car. The box was damaged and the griffin inside (who had paper wrapped around his head) was loosely held in place with a couple of pieces of folded cardboard. His claws were broken off and when I carefully unwrapped the head, it was broken into countless pieces.

                    I woke up almost crying.

                    That’s about the only Windstone dream I remember having.

                    Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                    I’ve been searching for a used (but good) curio to put my Windstones in. I dreamt I went to an estate sale to pick one up. When I got there some lady was going to offer him more money for it (it was some kind of antique thing). I had only brought $500 with me, and she was willing to pay $700 for it. I was upset, then I realized the curio was FULL of Windstones. I told him she could have the curio, and I was willing to hand him over the $500 for all of his Windstones. He said yes. Ah… what a great dream! 😆

                    I had won a Grand Unicorn on ebay and was waiting for it come in. I didn’t have a tracking number for it, so I didn’t know when it was coming (it was driving me nuts!). I have never dreamt about unicorns, never! Horses, yes, but not unicorns. Well, one night I had a dream that something was chasing me, never saw what it was. A unicorn came to my aid and let me climb up on his back. He then broke into a powerful collected gallop. The feeling was so real, just like riding bareback. But the strange thing was… my Grand arrived the next day. That FREAKED me out! 😮

                    And I am tired of the dream where I go to class and they give a big pop test. Not only am I not prepared, it’s on a subject I know nothing about. In fact, half the time, I’m not even enrolled in the class. And no matter how many times I tell them I’ve already graduated, they insist I take it! BUT I’M DONE WITH SCHOOL! 🙄 OK, I told someone, hopefully I will no longer have them. 😈


                    I had a dream, while I was stalking ebay for Arllas tiger griffins, that I missed the auction with the sitting tiger griffin chick. I was sooo upset and was crying and my dream fiance told me that I could get a bigger diamond for my ring and I told him it didn’t matter. The poor family would be without a son and a brother. 😆
                    When I woke up I ran to the computer logged on ebay and saw that I hadnt missed it.


                    Wow, who’d imagine Windstones could be cause for concern even during sleeping hours? I can’t remember ever having a Windstone dream.


                    I’ve had dreams with windstones in them, but not related to the windstones… like that one day…. I woke up, showered, ate breakfast, went outside, went “Hm, the sky’s green….” Then woke up, showered, ate breakfast, went outside, went “Hm, I thought this house was white” Woke up….. etc. I think it went on 4 or 5 times, and when I finally DID wake up, I spent the whole day making sure I wasn’t just dreaming again! It was great! 😆 I think one of them I dreamed I had this awesome old warrior dragon and seeing that is what woke me up.

                    They say once you realize you’re dreaming, you can control the dream…. I just wake up. I’d love to be able to control my dreams….


                    Dragon87 wrote:

                    They say once you realize you’re dreaming, you can control the dream…. I just wake up. I’d love to be able to control my dreams….

                    Lucid dreaming is a lot of fun (and is excellent for combating nightmares, btw). As long as I don’t try to control too much, I can stay lucid. If I try to force certain things to happen, I’ll (unfortunately) wake myself up… so I just try to change the dream but don’t really specify HOW. But with this, I never know what’s going to happen next!! 😮 😈

                    There are different techniques you can practice. If you wake up the minute you try to control your dream, then don’t. When you realize you are dreaming, simply “observe”. See how long you can observe before waking up. Slowly build from there. 🙂

                    I actually wake up cranky if I can’t interact with my dreams. 😳


                    bayoudragon wrote:

                    Dragon87 wrote:

                    They say once you realize you’re dreaming, you can control the dream…. I just wake up. I’d love to be able to control my dreams….

                    Lucid dreaming is a lot of fun (and is excellent for combating nightmares, btw). As long as I don’t try to control too much, I can stay lucid. If I try to force certain things to happen, I’ll (unfortunately) wake myself up… so I just try to change the dream but don’t really specify HOW. But with this, I never know what’s going to happen next!! 😮 😈

                    There are different techniques you can practice. If you wake up the minute you try to control your dream, then don’t. When you realize you are dreaming, simply “observe”. See how long you can observe before waking up. Slowly build from there. 🙂

                    I actually wake up cranky if I can’t interact with my dreams. 😳

                    I don’t even try though. I just notice something’s off and I’m awake. *shrugs* But I’m the type to get amused with my dreams when I wake up so I think I’d like to let them play out. I have some pretty amusing dreams *had a dream about dolphins and a wastewater treatment plant last night…*

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