
Windstone for sale

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  • #508910

    How much for the male and female unicorns? I’d be interested in those.

    Oh, and if Spark dosn’t want the pegasus, I’d like to see how much for her, too.


      I think I’d better not. You can have her. *sighs* Even $40 would be more than I should spend, and any less than that is obviously less than she’s worth.


      Okay for Dark_zorse un I’m thinking $55US per unicorn and female pegasus. Or best offer. Like I said I can be talked down.


      Romeodanny wrote:

      Okay for Dark_zorse un I’m thinking $55US per unicorn and female pegasus. Or best offer. Like I said I can be talked down.

      Well, those certainly are good prices. I don’t know if I’d be able to afford all three, but two of them might be in my budget. How long will you hold them for? My birthday is next week. (I’m hoping for some monies!)


      Okay like I said I’ll hold them. I can hold them for along time. Til January? No Problem! (I know that’s not how long you asked but, just in case)I just want to know that someone wants them I guess. Thank you for your interest.

      Would you like to see a picture of the broken area? I could email one to you.


      Romeodanny wrote:

      Okay like I said I’ll hold them. I can hold them for along time. Til January? No Problem! (I know that’s not how long you asked but, just in case)I just want to know that someone wants them I guess. Thank you for your interest.

      Would you like to see a picture of the broken area? I could email one to you.

      Yes please. A picture would be great. Just hold the two unicorns for now. If the pegasus dosn’t get snapped up by somebody else, I’ll probably take it later too.

      EDIT: It would help if you had my e-mail address huh? It’s Mareofthunder at yahoo dot com.

      EDIT#2 – I just re-read the thread. You are in Canada, right? I have no idea how the conversions work, or how to send stuff there. Only thing I have is american dollars (I hope that works!) I suppose we’ll work this out eventually, no?


      😆 Whatever we’ll work it out and yes $US is just peachy. I’ve never sold anything through a forum before. I’m just making it up as I go along.


      Romeodanny wrote:

      Okay, you want it for how much Canadian? The $145 or the $110? I guess that’s the best offer. Are you willing to pay the shipping?

      I was thinking the $110 ^_^ If i came to pick up the Windstone and saved you the price and hassle of packing it to be shipped, could you lower the price a little more? Waterloo isn’t too far from me and I may be able to get a ride over there to pick that pretty dragon up ^_^


      I meant to add, drag0nfeathers were you still interested in the ruby? You were here first, don’t let me trample you in my haste!


        dark_zorse wrote:

        EDIT#2 – I just re-read the thread. You are in Canada, right? I have no idea how the conversions work, or how to send stuff there. Only thing I have is american dollars (I hope that works!) I suppose we’ll work this out eventually, no?

        You can go to http://www.xe.com/ucc/ and they have a currency converter there 🙂 Also, if you pay with paypal, I’m pretty sure you can send her Canadian dollars. I’m not sure if PP will charge you/her for the conversion; I’ve paid people in the UK with sterling before and as a buyer, I didn’t have any problems.


        Okay I’m still trying to figure out how to do this. How do you do the sunhawk wrote. etc. Anyways I know you meant $110 Canadian. And if you want to pick it up thats fine. But if Drag0nfeathers is still interested than she? can have first say since she? was here first.


        Romeodanny wrote:

        Okay I’m still trying to figure out how to do this. How do you do the sunhawk wrote. etc. Anyways I know you meant $110 Canadian. And if you want to pick it up thats fine. But if Drag0nfeathers is still interested than she? can have first say since she? was here first.

        Hit the quote button in the upper right of the persons post.


          Romeodanny wrote:

          Well, I’m hopeing at least $125.00 for the Grand. At the least. And, if you are really really interested I can hold him till you have the money.

          Thats a bit too much for me. They sell for that in the stores, so I will just wait till after the holidays. Thanks, though!


          Romeodanny wrote:

          Okay I’m still trying to figure out how to do this. How do you do the sunhawk wrote. etc. Anyways I know you meant $110 Canadian. And if you want to pick it up thats fine. But if Drag0nfeathers is still interested than she? can have first say since she? was here first.

          Yeah i realized afterwards that i wasn’t clear whether drag0nfeathers was actually interested or not but she did come first so don’t let me get in the way if she is still actually interested because first come first serve ^_^


          I may be interested in the female pegasus, and I have the money! But I have to check with my parents.

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